Cas Brown is about to marry for the second time; his first marriage, to Isabel, was annulled. But when he discovers that Isabel just had their baby, Cas kidnaps the infant to keep her from being adopted. Isabel's parents hunt for the child and discover that Cas and Isabel are still hopelessly in love. Written by www.2kyb.com
1.0 光盲青春
7.0 恭喜八婆
2019 喜劇簡介:手機聊天群組「八婆」是由六個女生及兩個男生組成,他們曾經一度很親密,但因為當中的督察 May 發現自己男友和閨密陳逸寧有一腿;網絡紅人大波蓮又將眾人的感情秘密寫成書發表,種種原因,讓這個群體的人愈分愈散,慢慢不再在群組中發言,最後讓這個群組在手機中愈沉愈底。 直到有一天,群組中的一員、一向樂於助人的 June,因為在上班時候,將上司放在茶水間的一瓶人奶,不小心用在給客戶飲用的咖啡中,因此必須要在下班前找回一枝人奶來頂包。在無計可施下,她想起這群曾經親密的一班好友,於是決定找陳逸寧幫忙,而陳逸寧亦開始把群組成員逐一找回來。 雖然各人彼此充滿著矛盾和恩怨,但大家為了幫忙 June,決定先把恩怨擱在一旁,盡力協助找奶,而在過程中,眾人把心中鬱悶很久的心結和問題,一次過爆發出來。讓這天既在拯救 June,同時間亦在拯救一段已經早已逝去的友情。 -
6.0 公寓的煩惱
2014 喜劇簡介:This comedy follows two codependent East Village, New York girls, Olivia and Nicole, on the verge of eviction and existential crisis. They're struggling artists, living in a Bohemian apartment. Their electricity has been turned off and they've begun an ill-advised juice fast. To top it all off, they're out of money and too "talented" to come up with the rent. To solve their pro... -
8.0 格林伯格
6.0 告別高中的夏天
6.0 該死的聖誕快樂