In fourteenth-century England, peasant girl Christine Carpenter is so attracted to a statue of the Virgin Mary that the local priest (who lusts after her) suggests she be walled up in the church as an anchoress, a holy woman with responsibility for blessing the villagers. But when the priest has Christine's mother tried as a witch, she digs herself out of her cell, a crime for ...
1.0 剩男聖女嗨起來
7.0 剪刀石頭布
2014 劇情簡介:'Friends or Foes?' is about Xiang-An, a six grader, who runs into a dilemma when making a new friend. What he encounters correspond to a question in his civics education homework, which states: 'What do you do when friends make a mistake?' It's a children-adult collaborated short film, a story with 3 brilliant endings, encompassing kindness, humor, sympathy, and surprises! -
10.0 剪輯人生
2014 劇情簡介:馬凱是一名普普通通的剪輯師,他受過專業的電影理論和技術的訓練,對電影有著崇高的理想和熱愛。不久前他剛剛和搭檔為一名高傲自負的青年導演擔任新片的剪輯工作,但是馬凱無法接受學院派老一套的剪輯方法,於是自作主張加入了幾個表達情緒用的空鏡頭,結果惹來導演的怒罵,命令他們在看片會之前按照劇本按部就班地剪出來。萬般無奈,馬凱和大雄從頭來過,而且連花絮的編輯也需承擔,兩人隻能熬夜工作。次日一早,馬凱開車送片,誰知稀裏糊塗走錯了路。另一邊,導演的版本遭到投資方否定,他的組被迫停工。沒有責任心的導演將責任推到馬凱身上,絕塵離去。失意的馬凱在替身女孩小桃鼓勵下重拾信心。 而就在此關頭,馬凱經曆了一件神奇的事,人生有望剪輯重來…… -
7.0 劍膽
4.0 教頭發威
3.0 龍拳小子