Wayo is accepted at the Kantaphat University, in the Faculty of Sciences; in the same institution he studies, Phana, a second-year boy he has always been in love with, though he never managed to talk to him. When Wayo has the chance to become the "moon" of his faculty, the two will begin to spend time together because Phana himself has been the "moon" of the medical school the ...
4.0 情殤戀痕
2.0 鬼屋曆險記
7.0 情滿穹輿
8.0 我的可愛保鏢
6.0 黑幫少爺愛上我
2022 泰劇簡介:黑道家族二少爺Kinn被敵人暗算,在出逃期間與Porshe相遇,Porshe是一名大學生,在一個娛樂場所做兼職,剛好看到Kinn被人追殺,但並沒打算上前解救。 然而…Kinn和Porsche做了個交易,如果Porshe肯救他,他願意付錢作為回報。金錢的驅使讓曾經獲得過國家武術冠軍的Porshe加入混戰,他救出了Kinn並成功讓他躲過了敵人的追殺。Porshe的好身手也令Kinn想讓他當自己的貼身保鏢,掘地三尺也要找到自己想要的人… Porshe除了被Kinn窮追不舍,還被Kinn的敵人窮追不舍,走投無路的他不得不對命運妥協,最後成了Kinn的保鏢,但他的內心是不情願的,他不想被牽扯進這些瘋狂的事情當中,因為害怕自己相依為命的弟弟陷入險境。可是上天好像在捉弄他一樣,最後還是被迫答應了Kinn並進入他錯綜複雜的家族當中。 成為黑道家族的保鏢要的就是身手,... -
4.0 雙重命運
2022 泰劇簡介:有4個不同極點的軌道是什麽? 四個不同的極點——Nick(Pon飾)、Wan(Mo飾)、Beam(Patricia飾)和wayu(God飾)——不斷地相互環繞,在碰撞的火焰中反複碰撞和燃燒。 然而,所有四麵都是無情的,陶醉於仇恨和競爭的痛苦和快樂...或許,甚至愛情 Just what is it to be an orbit with 4 different poles? The 4 different poles — Nick (Pon), Wan (Mo), Beam (Patricia), and Wayu (Godt) — continuously circle around each other, repeatedly clashing and burning in the fire of the collision. However, ...