The journey of a "sobat ambyar" who is very passionate about Didi Kempot.
7.0 運財童子
1965 喜劇簡介:Dear Brigitte is one of the funniest comedies from the 1960s, about a tone-deaf, color-blind boy genius with one interest: Brigitte Bardot. James Stewart plays professor Robert Leaf, a typical college professor (when speaking of college professors typical means liberal, but this was 40 years ago and labels change). Leaf teaches poetry, lives in a houseboat in San Francisco, voc... -
10.0 芭比娃娃之真假公主
10.0 龍咁威
2.0 龍套之王
2020 喜劇簡介:龍套演員李大誌窮困潦倒,製造自殺以騙取保險,“中環第一插手”段水流在執行任務時意外觸碰到機關摔成重傷並失憶,李大誌欺騙失憶的段水流。之後,大誌不得不接手來自黑道的委托。失憶的段水流營救了酒吧歌手美琪,並在美琪的鼓勵下從龍套演員做起。一次去見美琪哥哥,看電影《英雄本色》時忽然記憶恢複,情急混亂中段水流轉身離開。李大誌偽裝成保安找到擺渡人詢問黑錢資金事宜,坤哥在監聽器中聽到,得知大誌的背叛,氣憤趕往。最後在段水流的設計策劃下,李大誌和擺渡人離開了所在的城市,黑惡勢力一夥被一網打盡,段水流選擇了自首,美琪一個人在等待著親人和愛人的消息。兩年以後美琪也做起了演員,李大誌重返A市。 -
6.0 龍虎少爺
4.0 龍蝦