本片被很多人認為是莎士比亞戲劇改編中成就最高的一部,由莎士比亞的五部戲劇濃縮而成。講述英國國王亨利四世即位後,全國叛亂不止,形勢動蕩,王子卻熟視無睹,與其密友胖武士弗斯塔夫終日豪飲作樂。弗斯塔夫是喜歡吹牛而無所不為之輩,他向亨利四世進讒言說王子平叛不力,把所有功勞歸於自 己。後來亨利四世駕崩,王子繼位為亨利五世,弗斯塔夫以為自己能加官封爵,豈料被昔日舊友一腳踢開。原來亨利五世力圖振作,那段放蕩日子從此不複返,弗斯塔夫隻得鬱鬱而終。導演用自己的方式重新詮釋了這個小醜故事,但對他持同情態度,因為導演指出弗斯塔夫的行徑正是他對抗日益改變的世界的護身符,從他與王子之間的友誼變化,影射出這個世界早已今非昔比,往日的騎士精神也因為強權政治的詭詐絕情而蕩然無存。
10.0 消失的士兵
2023 劇情簡介: Shlomi, an eighteen-year-old Israeli soldier, flees the Gaza battlefield and heads to his girlfriend in Tel Aviv only to discover that the IDF elite is convinced he was kidnapped in the fog of war. This is a tragi-comic journey, taking place over a period of 24 hours in the hot and humid streets of Tel Aviv, shifting from terror to hope, from romance to nightmare. Director's Note: The clash between love and law is also the clash between breathless running and paralysis. One pushes Shlomi to defect from war-torn Gaza to Tel Aviv, to his beloved's arms. The other threatens both his existence and the world around him. -
6.0 阿胡賈
7.0 祝你好運
4.0 波哥大
8.0 你燃燒了我
2024 劇情簡介:Tú me abrasas is an adaptation of “Sea Foam”, a chapter from Cesare Pavese’s “Dialoghi con Leucò” published in 1947. The ancient Greek poet Sappho and the nymph Britomartis meet beside the sea and have a conversation about love and death. Sappho is said to have thrown herself into the ocean from lovesickness. Britomartis apparently tumbled off a cliff and into the water while f... -
8.0 金錢堡壘