

已完結 / / 喜劇片 /中國大陸 / 2019


名不見經傳的小刑警孫大聖(王千源 飾)出生入死在追查案件的第一線,在平凡無奇的一天,他突然聽說與之有交情的汽車修理工趙勇強跳樓自殺了。趙勇強此前租住一處拆遷房,但拆遷房一夜被人強拆,他和兒子不僅被趕了出來,連預付的租金都打了水漂。在此之後,趙帶著兒子找到地產開發商泰華集團總經理趙泰(包貝爾 飾),結果卻遭受了毆打和羞辱。在此之後,孫大聖試圖調查此事,卻遭到泰華集團乃至警方內部的阻撓,而趙泰試圖收買他的行為更激怒了耿直倔強的孫大聖。   專橫跋扈的趙泰為了擺平這件事,不惜采用各種齷齪肮髒的手段,正邪之戰正式拉開帷幕……


  • 寶貝兒 5.0 寶貝兒
    1956 喜劇
    簡介:  Living in Tiger Tail County, Mississippi, middle aged Archie Lee Meighan and nineteen year old "Baby Doll" Meighan née McCargo have been married for close to two years. Their marriage is not based on love, but each getting what they want from the other. Their marriage agreement has them consummating their marriage on her twentieth birthday, which is in three days, the act to which Baby Doll is not really looking forward. But she does taunt him and other men with her overt "baby doll" sexuality, the baby doll aspect which she fosters by sleeping in their house's nursery in a crib. Baby Doll's now deceased father allowed the marriage on the stipulation that Archie Lee provide Baby Doll financial security as displayed by the most resplendent house in the south. They currently live in a dilapidated mansion with her Aunt Rose Comfort, and although Archie Lee is making some renovations on it, he no longer has the financial means to make it what Baby Doll wants as his cotton ginning ... Written by Huggo
  • 衝擊 8.0 衝擊
    1984 喜劇
  • 合家歡 6.0 合家歡
    1959 喜劇
    簡介:  托尼在邁阿密經營著一家入不敷出的旅館, 女人是他的另一軟肋 (雪兒,他目前的女神,比托尼還沒責任感).唯一靠譜的是他12歲的能幹兒子阿來. 當托尼想讓古板的兄弟馬裏奧再次保釋他時, 馬裏奧提出條件: 要麽放棄兒子, 要麽和 "賢良淑德的女人"結婚.對此托尼和阿來隻是耍太極,此時符合條件的女人埃莉諾卻出現了..
  • 黃金夢 1.0 黃金夢
    1941 喜劇
    簡介:  希拉(麗塔·海華斯 Rita Hayworth 飾)是舞蹈團中的台柱,她的美貌俘獲了太多男人的心,其中也包括舞蹈團的高管馬丁(羅伯特·本奇利 Robert Benchley 飾)。雖然馬丁已經有了家室,但這並不妨礙他展開對於希拉的火熱追求,為了討希拉的歡心,他買了一條名貴的手鏈想要送給她,哪知道此情此景卻被妻子給逮了個正著。  為了維持自己的婚姻,馬丁謊稱這條手鏈是舞團的總監羅伯特(弗雷德·阿斯泰爾 Fred Astaire 飾)托他轉交給希拉的,為了證明自己此言不虛,馬丁還特地安排希拉和羅伯特跳了一段曖昧火辣的舞蹈。哪知道此舉驚動了報刊雜誌,第二天,希拉和羅伯特就已經在頭版頭條上訂婚了。
  • 魅影天堂 7.0 魅影天堂
    1974 喜劇
    簡介:  劇情敘述一個神經質的作曲家Winslow Leach,他的作品被唱片公司製作人Swan竊用,並且使他遭受到毀容。於是他躲在製作人新開的天堂劇院中,戴著麵具變成如同幽靈一般。作曲家本來想借著破壞行動來報複製作人,但當他發現一個新進女歌手Phoenix,能夠完美地詮釋他的作品,於是他同意製作人的合作要求,然後簽下了古怪的血約,立誓完成一部以「浮士德」為主題的搖滾歌劇。沒想到製作人竟然又欺騙他,另請了一位重搖滾歌手Beef來代唱,而且他慢慢地發現到製作人真正邪惡的真麵目......
  • 奇境 7.0 奇境
    1999 喜劇
    簡介:  There's little wonder in the working-class lives of Bill, Eileen, and their three grown daughters. They're lonely Londoners. Nadia, a cafe waitress, places personal ads, looking for love; Debbie, a single mom, entertains men at the hair salon after hours; her son spends part of the weekend with her ex, a man with a hair-trigger temper. Molly is expecting her first baby and its father acts as if the responsibility is too much for him. Eileen is bitter, complaining about her husband and the dog next door; Bill's a doormat. His West Indian neighbor offers him a drink; her own grown son locks himself in his room most of the time. Will anyone connect during this Guy Fawkes weekend? Written by <jhailey@hotmail.com>


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