明朝時期,一個偶然的案子讓鬱鬱寡歡的玉田知縣徐九經(朱世慧 飾)升遣為大理寺正卿,保舉人是他昔日認識的並肩王(胡為之 飾)。上任伊始,書僮徐茗(餘競鳴 飾)探得侯府要為劉鈺(譚長根 飾)和李倩娘(萬瓊 飾)完婚,徐九經思慮良久,知其中必有蹊蹺,但他還是沉著應對。翌日上門,奉上一壇賀喜老酒,傲慢的侯爺(陳國光 飾)果然沒把他放在眼裏,徐九經據理力爭,與安國侯展開唇槍舌戰,眼看侯爺敗下陣來,他趁機告退,並索走了帶來的老酒。次日,他拜謁並肩王府上,尤妃(彭澤林 飾)熱情相待,令九經涕零,趁機求得尚方寶劍。夜審倩娘得知,尤金(吳長福 飾)趁人之危......
3.0 老鷹旅館之夜
2.0 漫長的黑夜
4.0 毛骨悚然撞鬼經2021特別篇
10.0 上帝的驅魔
2021 恐怖簡介:The story of "The Exorcism of God" follows father "Peter Williams", an American exorcist who, being possessed by a demon he was trying to expel, ends up committing the most terrible sacrilege. Eighteen years later, the consequences of his sin will come back to haunt him, unleashing the greatest battle against the evil within. -
3.0 殺死父母的女孩
4.0 十三號星期五