莫妮卡是在網絡上活躍的當紅網絡明星,某一日,在公眾麵前向來表現的十分正常的她突然自殺身亡,在網絡上掀起了一陣議論紛紛。悲劇發生一年後,一段莫妮卡自殺的錄像開始在網絡上傳播,錄像裏,許多和她一樣出名的網紅的名字被提及,瑪麗莎(Klai-Udom Sarantorn 飾)就是其中之一。
3.0 雞皮疙瘩劇場版2
1.0 鵑血啼痕
2.0 鵜鶘之血
7.0 聖母院
4.0 鷹之夜
1962 恐怖簡介:Norman Taylor is a successful young professor, married with Tansy Taylor. He is a very skeptical man, while his wife believes in magic and witchcraft. One day, he finds lots of amulets and witchcraft in his house, and he decides to destroy all of them. His wife gets scared and advises him that he destroyed all the protection their home and lives had against the evil of envious ... -
8.0 修女驅魔人