H.P. Lovecraft 小說改編.《活跳屍》導演“斯圖爾特·戈登(Stuart Gordon)”和滿月公司合作的一部冷門的驚悚恐怖片,大概講述了;有個叫約翰的人意外的繼承了一座豪華壯麗的城堡,這座豪華的城堡看似寧靜卻藏著很多秘密,這個城堡中還有一個長的極其醜陋的怪 物,怪物開始躲在暗處伺機攻擊約翰和他的家人,這個怪物究竟是何人物,這座豪華的城堡和約翰的身世之間又有何關連呢?
2.0 地獄自拍
8.0 怪物計劃
1.0 黑仙女
2018 恐怖簡介: 在完全印度文化的背景下,女主安努舒卡·莎瑪試過了殺人的公路驚悚片和與鬼魂相關的喜劇片後,在她製片的第三部作品中講了一個西方惡魔的故事。 從宗教勢力的追捕中僥幸逃生的惡魔之女,在母親的保護下,在山林中活到二十幾歲。母親去世後,女孩走進城市,被善良內向的男人收留。 這是一個異類不惜付出一切渴望融入人類生活,渴望愛情的故事。聯想到所有宗教都奉行的五花八門的女性禁忌,聯想到女孩的母親是因為被強迫才懷上了她,不禁感歎:也許所有女人都是主流社會眼中的惡魔。因為愛,女人能擁有摧毀一切的力量;因為愛,女人能放下一切仇恨;因為愛,女人能犧牲一切,包括自己。世界就是被這樣的惡魔支撐著的。想盡辦法把她們趕盡殺絕的人,和她們自己,誰是真正的惡魔?作為低成本獨立製片的恐怖電影,聲效化妝場景什麽的,都沒什麽毛病,都在及格線以上。不過如果不像我一樣對故事這麽煽情,觀眾應該會覺得故事太單薄,不夠刺激。一些觀眾群體可能會覺得不太舒服。畢竟在這部電影中,心中有愛的惡魔之女不是真的惡魔,那些站在正義一方的驅魔人才是。 -
7.0 昏神
2018 恐怖簡介: A group of young men dare a classmate to reach the porch of a legendary old house, said to be haunted by the thirteen victims of a family massacre. In hopes of making a viral video they arm him with a video camera to prove he was there or to capture him fleeing in terror before even reaching the house, as others have. When he doesn't return, the guys must go in to get him. Inside they discover the truth about the house, the fate of their friend and their own fate as well. -
2.0 皮附
2017 恐怖簡介: Six people bound together by a traumatic experience decide to round off a year of group therapy in style. They join each other once more, traveling up to the Scottish Lowlands for a reunion weekend in a 1970s holiday let. Soon a number of mysterious and horrifying events start to expose the cracks in their relationships, and one by one they discover that trust runs but skin-deep. A night of closure turns out to be far more final than they could have anticipated. -
3.0 噬童魔