An ex-marine enforcer must battle his conscience and code of honor when he is forced to do things for the mob.
7.0 十三太保1970
1970 動作簡介: 唐末,黃巢起義軍攻入唐首都長安,晉王李克用(穀峰 飾)受命剿賊,收複都城。沙陀族人李克用其時擁兵十萬,麾下猛將如雲,更有義子組成的十三太保能征善戰,一時風光無兩。 汴梁節度使朱溫客訪觀戰,恰逢黃巢手下第一勇將孟絕海搦戰,第十三太保李存孝(薑大衛 飾)出陣迎敵,活捉孟絕海 ,但李為人持勇傲物,朱溫受辱於功宴,懷恨在心。 四太保李存信嫉妒李存孝功高,獻計輕兵直入長安取黃巢首級,李克用命九名太保行刺,由李存孝統領。九人夜入長安,連番血戰後在五鳳樓將黃巢射傷,無奈敵兵勢眾,九人於民女燕姑娘家暫避,期間李存信與十二太保康君利欲行不軌,為李存孝趕出隊伍。 李存信、唐君利落寞之際被朱溫蠱惑,誘使李克用入汴梁,朱溫灌醉李克用、十一太保史敬思(狄龍 飾)後痛下殺手,史敬思為保李克用力竭身死,千鈞一發之際李存孝率黑鴉兵趕到。 李、唐二人一計不成又生一計,兩人盜得李克用貼身佩劍,假傳鈞旨,勢要致李存孝於死地…… -
9.0 爆炸新聞2021
2021 動作簡介: Reassigned from TV to radio, a frustrated anchor sees both danger and opportunity when he receives threatening calls on the air.by:www.qujuji.com Electronic Media Exposed Anwar Says : An Anchor is an actor , Actor needs audience and audience need drama, these three lines expose the electronic media today in Ram Madhvani's release today DHAMAKA at Netflix. A remake of 2013 Korean Film 'The Terror Live 'and shot in only 10 days and the credit goes to Neerja and Aarya director and the Superstar in making Kartik Aaryan. Madhvani idea of filming is at loggerheads with the area the film is traversing, he is more into explosion , probably since the title is Dhamaka . I liked the way Aaryan Khan's initial life has been shown in the opening song . No other cast has been given much exposure and passing on the buck is the way of corporate life has been perfectly narrated . At points the movie seems going slow but suddenly picks up . Madhvani has been able to drumming up the tensions and also able to sustain it . A new trend set by Madhvani , the main cast carries the whole movie on his/her shoulder, whether it was Sonam Kapur or Sushmita Sen and now Kartik Aarayan . Watch it today after India- Newzealand 20-20 for stealing performance of Aaryan. #Netflix #anwarsays #DhamakaOnNetflix #kartikaaryan #movie2021 #moviereview #RamMadhvani #ElectronicMedia #sealink #explosion #tvanchor. -
5.0 大車隊
5.0 奪命槍火2014
2014 動作簡介: 文森(伊馬諾爾·佩爾塞 Ymanol Perset 飾)表麵看來隻是一介平凡青年,卻擁有著一身了得的射擊本領,年僅二十五歲的他作為官方認可的槍械教官,深受業內同行的尊重和讚賞,前途可謂一片光明。 某日,一位名叫米羅(喬伊·斯塔爾 Joey Starr 飾)的警察出現在了文森的身邊,殊不知他的所作所為將會徹底改變這位青年的命運。接二連三的意外讓文森被迫處於爭鬥的漩渦中心,不斷沉浮於陰謀和罪惡之中。特警隊指揮官查韋斯(熱拉爾·朗萬 Gérard Lanvin 飾)和行動大隊指揮官德納爾(西蒙·阿布卡瑞安 Simon Abkarian 飾),兩人之間的矛盾已經到了無法調解的白熱化程度,他們一位是文森的保護者,一位是他的師父,身陷在惡鬥的中心,文森將會作出怎樣的選擇? -
10.0 橫行霸盜
2002 動作簡介: 陳魁、楊坤、Rick和小雄組成一個專門從事械劫的犯罪團夥,其中小雄駕駛技術高超,他專門負責駕車接送;離職警察Rick因為身具專業知識,負責行動的策劃;楊坤是退伍軍人,性格火爆,專長是槍械和爆破;而陳魁表麵其貌不揚,其實是個老江湖,在各地都有門路,在組織中有著微妙的製衡力量。四人的組合完美無瑕,每次行動均經過精密計算且動作迅速,不僅在香港做下無數大案,更將搶劫範圍擴展至東南亞,警方對其一籌莫展,派出的臥底警員也屢屢遇害。堅硬的城堡總是在內部被攻破。一次在泰國的行動失手,還得罪了泰國黑道的老大金爺。四人開始貌合神離,陳魁處處自作主張、一意孤行的作法,引起了楊坤和Rick的不滿,在與金爺火拚的過程中,楊坤將槍口轉向了陳魁…… -
5.0 蕩寇誌1975