After making his historic crossing of the Alps with elephants transporting supplies and troops, Hannibal marches on Rome in a war of revenge. During his advance, he captures Sylvia, the niece of Roman Senator Fabius Maximus but, instead of holding her prisoner, he shows her his powerful army and herds of elephants, then sets her free. He is sure she will report what she has see...
9.0 吉屋2018
5.0 殺了我三次
2014 恐怖簡介:傑克(卡蘭·穆爾韋 Callan Mulvey 飾)的妻子愛麗絲(艾莉絲·布拉加 Alice Braga 飾)和名為迪倫(盧克·海姆斯沃斯 Luke Hemsworth 飾)有染,得知此事的傑克怒火中燒,找來了殺手查理(西蒙·佩吉 Simon Pegg 飾),想要將愛麗絲除之而後快。 與此同時,傑克的妹妹露西(泰莉莎·帕爾墨 Teresa Palmer 飾)和丈夫納什(蘇利文·斯坦普萊頓 Sullivan Stapleton 飾)亦企圖將愛麗絲殺死,他們的目的在於騙取保險巨額保險金償還高利貸。幸運的是,愛麗絲死裏逃生,這一幕被查理看在眼裏,於是,他決定以此敲詐兩人。那邊廂,丹得知了傑克的陰謀詭計,憤怒的他將傑克殺死了,而前來討要酬金的查理意外撞見了警察布魯斯(布萊恩·布朗 Bryan Brown 飾),兩人之間展開了一場生死較量。 -
2.0 滅絕2010
3.0 忌日快樂
8.0 殺出魔鬼鎮
9.0 蛇少女