藍虹(王馨平 飾)是一名檢察官,同時也是一名犯罪心理學家,這一次,她將要麵對的是一位名叫卜國威(呂良偉 飾)的邪惡罪犯,這個男人擁有超高的智商和超強的心理素質,許多負責審問他的警員都在與他的周旋之中敗下陣來,最後隻得請藍虹出馬。
3.0 德古拉之夜
9.0 暗夜呢喃
2.0 暴風雨之星
1962 恐怖簡介:Upon arrival to Venus, cosmonauts find furious volcanoes and sundry prehistoric beasts in Klushantev's film, based on a novel by the Soviet sci-fi writer Aleksandr Kazantsev. Footage has been recycled in three Corman productions: Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet, Queen of Blood, and Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women (the directorial debut of Peter Bogdanovich). 83min -
1.0 最後五個人
1951 恐怖簡介:Post-nuclear-war dramas centering on a small group of survivors now constitute an entire genre in science-fiction films. All of them, in some way or another, can be traced back to this seminal film from 1951 in which five people deal with the possibility they are the only human beings left alive on the planet. While most of the later movies exploited this possibility for B-movi... -
5.0 最後決戰
6.0 最後的星空戰士