A major energy conglomerate is experimenting with new power sources and in the process is triggering major earthquakes in the L.A area when excess heat causes new fault lines. An investigative journalist is hot on the trail ,as are some ecological warriors and the company strikes back with assassins and bombs. Fortunately for the good guys the killers are stupendously bad shots...
2.0 殺戮開始
4.0 60秒致死3
4.0 恐怖蠟像館1953
1953 恐怖簡介:傑羅德·亨利教授(文森特·普萊斯 Vincent Price飾)是一名醉心藝術的雕刻藝術家,他的每件蠟像雕塑都栩栩如生。他一直潛心鑽研曆史上的著名人物形象,尤其鍾愛法王路易十六的王後瑪麗·安托瓦內特。然而他的生意合作夥伴馬修·伯克(羅伊·羅伯茨 Roy Roberts飾)卻因為傑羅德經營蠟像院收益不佳而大為不滿。為了更快的收取錢財,喪心病狂的馬修燒毀了整座蠟像館,包括所有傑羅德視如珍寶的蠟像雕塑。火災之後,傑羅德葬身火海,神秘地失蹤了,而馬修則如願得到了大筆保險金。 18個月後,傑羅德竟然奇跡般地“複活”了。不僅如此,傑羅德還舉辦了一次全新的藝術展覽,一場以死亡暴力為題,令人毛骨悚然的血腥之展。蘇·艾倫(菲莉絲·柯克 Phyllis Kirk飾)本是一名普通的美麗女孩,剛剛成為傑羅德的新任助理。可隨著她的好友離奇被殺之後,蘇的生活開始變得危險而不安。... -
8.0 旅館鬧鬼
3.0 魔靈2021
3.0 女巫集會
2017 恐怖簡介:Five undergrad witches come together in order to perform a ritual to invoke the ancient powers of the witch Ashura. The leader of the coven gets carried away and accidentally kills one of the witches during the ritual. She needs the strength of a complete coven to invoke Ashura’s powers and sends them out to find a final witch. As she absorbs power the surviving girls plot to t...