Shipwreck survivors are found on Beiru Island (Infanto t?), which was previously used for atomic tests. The interior is amazingly free of radiation effects, and they believe that they were protected by a special juice that was given to them by the island's residents. A joint expedition of Rolisican and Japanese scientists explores Beiru and discovers many curious things, includ...
10.0 隱私部分
1972 恐怖簡介: When Cheryl and her roommate quarrel, Cheryl moves into her aunt's skid-row hotel in downtown L.A. rather than return home to Ohio. The lodgers are odd, Aunt Martha is a moralizer obsessed with funerals, murder is afoot, and the inexperienced and trusting Cheryl may be the next victim. She wants to be treated like a woman, and she's drawn to George, a handsome photographer who longs for human contact but sleeps with a water-inflated doll and spies on Cheryl as she bathes. Jeff, a neighborhood clerk, may be Cheryl's only ally in what she doesn't realize is a perilous residence haunted by family secrets. And, what happened to Alice, a model who used to have Cheryl's room? -
2.0 天師鬥僵屍
8.0 妖怪大戰爭
2005 恐怖簡介: 由於父母離異,剛滿10歲的忠誌(神木隆之介飾)隻好跟母親來到鄉下跟外公一起生活。一次偶然,忠誌參拜神社時被選為“麒麟送子”。當地有個傳說,被選為麒麟送子的孩子可在大天狗山頂,拿到傳說中大天狗守護的飛劍。傳說那飛劍是用來維護和平的,夥伴們揶揄他不敢上大天狗山取麒麟送子的寶劍。他在嚐試一半後,被嚇回來。 另一方麵,千年魔人加藤保憲(豐川悅司飾)複活,他利用廢舊物品的怨氣,將其與抓來的妖怪們扔到大怨靈煉火中融合形成邪惡的怪物軍團,並率領它們企圖毀滅人類。在山神、河童和川姬等妖怪的努力下,忠誌通過了考驗。為了保衛世界,忠誌決定和妖怪們齊心合力,和大惡人決一死戰,妖怪大戰爭正式展開! -
5.0 野花
2000 恐怖簡介: 根據捷克民謠改編的七個小故事: 1.一位婦人死在歸家的途中,年幼的孩子們每天去墳前看她,呼喚著陷入永眠的母親; 2.少女不聽母親的勸告,去湖邊遊玩,落入水中後她與水怪結為夫妻; 3.一對情侶,男人奔赴戰場,苦等多年的女子日日祈禱愛人歸來,她的願望成真; 4.一位母親辛苦 準備晚飯,她年幼的兒子卻糾纏不止。母親一氣之下,讓門外的百日巫師將兒子帶走,不曾想…… 5.某國君主在森林中馳騁時,撞見一個正在沐浴的絕世美女,他向女子的繼母提親,為了將親生女兒將給國王,惡毒的老女人不惜殘忍殺害繼女; 6.少女承認自己墮胎,深感罪惡的她走向絞刑架,臨終前向母親發出了詛咒; 7.兩個女孩聊天,傳說在午夜鑿開冰層,便能從水中看到愛人的樣子。 -
5.0 午夜獵物
9.0 吸血鬼學院2014