一場悲劇性的事故,奪走了雙胞胎之一的寶貴生命,也讓瑞秋(泰莉莎·帕爾墨 飾)和丈夫安東尼(史蒂芬·克裏 飾),帶著幸存的兒子艾略特,從美國搬到世界的另一端,期望展開嶄新人生。他們起初在寧靜的鄉村進行康複治療,很快卻發生不祥的惡兆。艾略特竟在此時告訴瑞秋,原本已經死去的兄弟,正在糾纏著他…。瑞秋能否找出讓艾略特痛苦的原因,並試圖去對抗這股邪惡的力量呢?
10.0 童使
2.0 吸血夜驚魂
2015 恐怖簡介: Two New Orleans detectives become embroiled in a centuries-long feud between two secretive factions of vampires while investigating a runaway child's case. Torn between their everyday lives and the dangerous lure of immortality, the detectives must race to destroy the evil Moldero clan. -
9.0 幽閉空間
2015 恐怖簡介: THE CONFINES is a claustrophobic thriller that follows a troubled young woman who, in a last-ditch effort at getting her life together, takes a job working nights as a security guard at an abandoned luxury apartment building. Stuck with a brusque rent-a-cop as her partner, she tries to not let her mind play tricks on her while she patrols the empty halls. But as the night progresses strange things begin to happen - and she realizes it may not all be in her head. -
1.0 造孽
9.0 貞子大戰碟仙
7.0 自殺森林