10.0 活死人少女
4.0 恐怖歡樂屋
1.0 魔1983
5.0 熱衷謀殺
1981 恐怖簡介: Michael is a successful actor, but he has a scandal in his past: at a tender age he knifed his father to death. He and his girlfriend Deborah go to his mother's for the weekend, and are joined by the director and others from a recent film project, who are given a rather cool reception by the superstitious housekeeper Oliver. Soon rude things begin happening to some of the guests, and Michael fears a repeat of his nightmare past is in progress -
1.0 人皮燈籠1982
1982 恐怖簡介: 鳳凰城內譚富(陳觀泰 飾)與龍帥(劉永 飾)兩人家資殷實,武林中也頗有名望,幾年來兩家暗中互相較勁,不時在城中掀起波瀾。一年一度的賽燈會臨近,龍帥為勝過譚富尋訪製燈名匠,經人指點發現名匠居然是七年前的仇人趙春方(羅烈 飾),當年龍、趙二人爭奪美女金娘,趙春方不敵龍帥眼看金娘嫁為人婦,自己額頭更被留下屈辱性的傷疤。 趙春方假意應承龍帥,暗地中卻開始實施複仇計劃。趙春方以骷髏麵具掩麵擄走譚富親妹,龍帥情人以及金娘,按照人皮燈籠的傳說剝去這些女子的皮膚製燈。同時挑撥譚、龍兩家關係借刀殺人,譚富忍無可忍對龍帥痛下殺手,二人賭命搏殺之際,終於明白遭人算計。龍帥次日在街上聽到的無心之言,讓趙春方的嫌疑愈發明顯…… -
7.0 食人坑