4.0 異教峰第二季
2022 歐美簡介: When a gruesomely staged body is found, propped up on a mountain pass in the Alps close to the German-Austrian border, two detectives are sent to investigate. For German detective Ellie, this is the first real challenge of her career; her Austrian counterpart Gedeon though seems to have lost any ambitions in his job. Very soon, they discover more crime scenes with symbolically posed victims, reminiscent of pagan rituals. It all seems to be part of a bigger, sinister plan. Ellie finds herself under increasing pressure to understand the deranged killer's motives so she can stop him. The hunt leads them ever deeper in the dark valleys and archaic Alpine -
1.0 意大利製造2019
7.0 我殺人第三季
10.0 紀錄進行時第四季
2022 歐美簡介: Season four of the six-time Emmy-nominated series, the first since 2019, will consist of six new episodes parodying documentaries such as Burden of Dreams, Three Salons at the Seaside, The September Issue, When We Were Kings, Gleaners and I, Beaches of Agnes, My Octopus Teacher, and more, according to IFC. It’s too early to speculate, but perhaps season five will lampoon the inevitable, yet-to-be-created documentary about the response to Queen Elizabeth’s death, and Mirren can pull double duty hosting and reprising her Oscar-winning role. -
2.0 閨蜜四人行第三季
5.0 葉卡捷琳娜大帝
2019 歐美簡介: 海倫米倫也要回歸電視圈了!——奧斯卡影後涉足/重返電視圈趨勢更甚,HBO剛剛請到梅麗爾·斯特裏普加盟《大小謊言》第二季,又宣布海倫·米倫將出演4集限定劇《偉大的凱瑟琳/凱瑟琳大帝》(Catherine the Great),飾演俄羅斯曆史上唯一一位被冠以“大帝”之名的女皇葉卡捷琳娜二世·阿列克謝耶芙娜。這也給了HBO競爭艾美獎限定劇類獎項的機會,此前歸為限定劇的《大小謊言》因為續訂而被歸為劇情類劇集。 該劇探索世界上最強大的女君主在政治動蕩不安、充滿情欲的宮廷中的生活,她與將軍格裏高利·波將金的私情,醜聞、陰謀、衝突交織的政權等。HBO將其形容為“講述關於癡迷的愛戀的故事”,凱瑟琳和波將金不能公開結婚、公開濫交,建立了一種獨特而忠誠的關係,戰勝無數對手,將俄羅斯塑造成當時的最強帝國。 與米倫合作了2005年限定劇《伊麗莎白一世》的編劇Nigel Williams將操刀劇本,與米倫合作了2006年限定劇《頭號嫌疑犯7》的導演菲利普·馬丁執導,David M. Thompson(《金衣女人》《彭伯利謀殺案》)、查理·帕丁森(《伊麗莎白一世》《皮囊》)、Jules Hussey(《胡頓與女爵》)聯合米倫和馬丁共同製片。 Thompson表示米倫在拍攝《金衣女人》時向他提到了這個想法,稱凱瑟琳這一人物是她一直都想詮釋的。 米倫憑借《頭號嫌疑犯》《菲爾·斯派特》《伊麗莎白一世》《蘭德的激情》《永不放棄》《羅馬之春》等限定劇/電視電影獲得過11次艾美獎提名,4次獲獎,她也獲得了4次奧斯卡提名,並於2007年拿下奧斯卡最佳女主角(《女王》)。 這部劇由HBO和Sky聯合製作,這也是雙方合作的第3部劇集,前2部為《切爾諾貝利》和《倫敦黑幫》。雙方此前簽訂了2.5億美元的合作協議,HBO將負責北美播出,Sky負責英國、愛爾蘭、德國等歐洲地區。