

已完結 / / 喜劇片 /英國 / 2023


Ria Khan believes she must save her older sister Lena from her impending marriage. After enlisting her friends' help, she attempts to pull off the most ambitious of all wedding heists in the name of independence and sisterhood.


  • 爺們兒點 8.0 爺們兒點
    2017 喜劇
    簡介:Raúl, Eduardo and Santiago have led a happy and "straight" life since their childhood, until, one day, Santiago confesses to them that he is gay.
  • 爸爸來了 3.0 爸爸來了
    2021 喜劇
  • 爸爸的假期 6.0 爸爸的假期
    2015 喜劇
    簡介:某外企高管老郭(郭濤 飾)的婚姻進入七年之癢,一心撲在工作上的他和妻兒疏於交流,而事業也進入了困頓起。老實木訥的小編劇嶽倫兒(王嶽倫 飾)飽受欺淩,軟弱無能,此刻也經曆著來自家庭和事業的雙重壓力。英俊帥氣的模特亮子(張亮 飾)奮力打拚卻沒有出頭天,家庭瑣事更令他不過氣來。三個痛苦難耐的大男孩在田教練(田亮 飾)的建議下前往韓國參加一個名為“帝王假期”的旅遊活動,誰知竟遭遇了國際大盜Jimmy Lin(林誌穎 飾)的攪局。   沒有放鬆,沒有言語,隻有險象環生、驚險刺激的各種冒險,性格各異的爸爸們在異國他鄉奪路狂奔……
  • 牙醫的奇遇 10.0 牙醫的奇遇
    1965 喜劇
    簡介:This is story about a dentist with the talent of painlessly extracting teeth, and what happens to him as a result of being naturally good at his job. It is told with humour (much of it quite subtle, almost surreal, and in the background - imagine a street scene where everyone on the sidewalk on one side of the road walks in just one direction, and on the other side in the other...
  • 牧師的結局 3.0 牧師的結局
    1969 喜劇
    簡介:A verger, who likes to dress as a priest, is invited, by one of the villagers, to be the pastor at a vacant church. The atheist teacher resents the pastor, and tries to embarrass him in various ways, including being caught with the local girl, Majka.
  • 特工媽咪 10.0 特工媽咪
    2021 喜劇


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