9.0 拜托了廚靈
1.0 單身漢
2017 劇情簡介: After the loss of his wife, BILL PONDER (Simmons) and his 17-year-old son WES move out of their small town into the big city in an attempt to have a fresh start. As they each begin to adjust to their new life and seek ways to heal their wounds, they both find comfort in newfound romance. Wes meets LACY, an introverted but fierce girl whose enigmatic personality captivates Wes' attention, and Bill meets CARINE, a compassionate and elegant teacher whose own past heartaches resonate with his. As relationships are tested, Bill and Wes grow apart and back together again while discovering their true selves in the process. Written by Cameron West -
9.0 帆船
1.0 看不見的敵人
5.0 留住有情人
1991 劇情簡介: 一次偶然中,希拉裏(朱莉婭·羅伯茨 Julia Roberts 飾)得到了一份看護的工作,她所要看護的對象是一位名叫維克托(坎貝爾·斯科特 Campbell Scott 飾)的百萬富翁。維克托患上了白血病,需要接受化療,在希拉裏的精心看護下,他的病情漸漸好轉,兩人之間亦產生了深厚的感情。 一日,維克托突然將希拉裏帶到了位於海邊的小鎮上,兩人在那裏度過一段幸福而溫馨的時光。好景不長,卷土重來的病痛讓維克托陷入了痛苦中,而他為了隱瞞病情竟然開始偷偷注射嗎啡止痛。希拉裏發現了維克托的秘密,傷心的她懇求他繼續接受治療,沒想到後者斷然拒絕。難道病魔真的要將這對心心相印的情人殘忍的分開嗎? -
2.0 時間見證