7.0 女友的媽媽2
10.0 三劍俠與飛機妹
9.0 暴風情事
2015 倫理簡介:Parents died, and that's what we are. Parents remarried the same day a died after a car accident left three siblings - people and silver fox, to the parents leave the death insurance reluctantly. One day, the elder sister is the share price of all property 100000000 yuan, disappeared, the balance of the triangle is awake. Am I really ours? Good is the high school student's attention in the fall when I'm like. -
9.0 發廊裏的美妙
8.0 初戀1996
1996 倫理簡介:燦宇(裴勇俊 飾)、燦赫(崔秀鍾 飾)和燦玉飾情同手足的三兄妹,盡管出生於貧困的家庭之中,但三人依然擁有著正直和美好的品質。燦赫愛上了千金大小姐李曉京(李丞涓 飾),然而兩人的感情卻遭到了李曉京家人的強烈反對,他們不僅粗暴的阻撓兩人的戀情,甚至將李赫打成重傷,同時捏造了李赫的死訊。為了照顧燦赫,燦宇來到賭場打工,很快,聰明又肯幹的他得到了老板的認可,老板將女兒介紹給了燦赫,想要撮合兩人,讓燦赫大吃一驚的是,老板的女兒竟然就是自己的同學薑錫姬(崔智友 飾)。燦赫的遭遇令純真善良的燦玉心中布滿了陰影,某日,她遇見了名為朱正南(孫賢周 飾)的男子,他是否能夠幫助燦玉重新找到幸福呢? -
9.0 快樂工廠