5.0 果阿獵人
2013 喜劇簡介: 老實可愛、專心工作的班尼(Anand Tiwari 飾)和整日花天酒地、享受生活的兩名損友哈迪克(Kunal Khemu 飾)、拉弗(Vir Das 飾)生活在一起。某天,洗心革麵的拉弗被女友三振出局,浪蕩不羈的哈迪克也遭老板掃地出門。適逢班尼即將前往度假勝地果阿公幹,三個好朋友一拍即合,驅車同行。在當地拉弗遇見了Facebook的朋友露娜(Puja Gupta 飾),在後者的介紹下,三名好友乘船來到某小島參加俄國黑手黨組織的終極派對。派對之上,主辦方發售了一種新型毒品,誰知卻導致意想不到的後果。 次日清晨,哈迪克、拉弗、班尼他們發現,這座小島已經被恐怖的喪屍占領,他們必須想方設法逃出生天…… -
4.0 冤家變親家2024
3.0 冤家變親家
4.0 迷途新娘
1.0 家政初學者
9.0 脫單舞會
2024 喜劇簡介: The Kim O. Nguyen directed, D.J. Mausner scripted movie follows best friends Jess and Hannah (Gentry and Lester), who make a pact at 13 to have the perfect senior prom. Despite the impending changes that college will bring over the next four years, the two are committed to honoring their prom pact. But with only 24 hours left before the big event, everything falls apart when they break up with each of their dates. Jess and Hannah are left with one night to find new dates and live out their middle-school fantasies.