席布魯(張智 飾)和他的夥伴們都是陀螺瘋狂的追捧者,誰有一隻漂亮精製的陀螺都會招致他人羨慕的目光。席布魯的第一隻陀螺是用父親的鍁把做成的,當揮鞭抽動陀螺飛速轉動時,他開心極了,但不幸的是,這隻木陀螺被老師沒收了,他難過了好幾天。他教音樂的老師米蘭(王藝 飾)同樣有著屬於自已的音樂夢想,但不幸的處境和無奈的婚姻讓她把夢想藏在了心底,麵對心愛的學生席布魯的這個特殊愛好,她感同身受。在她決定離開學校時,精心為席布魯繪製了一個有著美麗圖案的陀螺,手握這份珍貴的分別禮物,席布魯淚如雨下……
9.0 膽小狗英雄 第一季[電影解說]
1999 電影解說簡介: Courage the Cowardly Dog follows the story of the life of a little pink cowardly dog who was named Courage when he was found by Muriel. When he was a baby, one of his vet appointments ended being the last time he saw his dog parents. During that day, while the yet made baby Courage wait in the waiting room, he sent his parents up into space. Then Courage ended up on the streets. Afterwards, a lady named Muriel found Courage and took him home to her home in the middle of Nowhere, Kansas, with her mean, rude, and cranky husband, Eustace Bagge. Courage is always on the watch since creepy, scary, and paranormal events happen in Nowhere, but Courage is always ready to save Muriel and kick some villain, monster, alien, or zombie butts! GO COURAGE! Written by CourageBagge {courage1999@bellsouth.net} -
2.0 火星上的小老鼠[電影解說]
4.0 麥德蘭[電影解說]
8.0 雙截龍[電影解說]
4.0 彭彭丁滿曆險記 第一季[電影解說]
5.0 太空牛仔[電影解說]