江戶時代末期,在那場慘烈的戰爭結束後,幕府認輸了,天人逐漸滲透到了江戶居民的生活當中去,武士道的精神在慢慢衰落,當年驍勇善戰的攘夷誌士們,也都隱姓埋名得過起了隱居的生活。為了維持父親的道場,誌村新八(阪口大助 配音)和姐姐誌村妙(雪野五月 配音)不得不辛苦的工作。為了生 存,在跋扈的天人麵前,新八必須忍辱負重。某天,一個自然卷白毛的出現改變了新八的生活,他狠狠教訓了欺負新八的天人,卻也害得新八丟了唯一的工作。氣急敗壞的新八追隨他的腳步來到了位於小酒吧二樓的“萬事屋”,隨後他發現,“萬事屋”的老板,這個叫做阪田銀時(杉田智和 配音)的男人,盡管表麵上悠閑懶散,但是卻有著一顆“堅決貫徹自己的武士道”的正直的心。銀時雇傭了新八,在此之後,對這個時代徹底失望的新八漸漸認識了圍繞在銀時周圍的,善良而美好的人們。 動畫片改編自漫畫家空知英秋的同名漫畫,動畫一經播出,立刻引發了“銀魂”熱潮,開創了“吐槽”與“熱血”並存的新的動畫類型。
9.0 催眠2023[電影解說]
8.0 奪命水箱[電影解說]
2023 電影解說簡介: Ben and his wife Jules are in for a surprise when they inherit an abandoned coastal property that Ben's recently deceased mother never told them about. Untouched for 40 years the house looms like an eerie relic over land which includes a stunning private cove and beach. The beauty and tranquility of the place leave the family with the nagging question: why was this property kept a secret for so long? While Jules rummages through the house looking for answers, Ben goes to repair the buried water tank, not knowing that in doing so he is unleashing a long-dormant creature, fiercely protective of its environment. -
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