講述了留守兒童小雲潔(外號矮婆),在山村裏與奶奶及兩個同父異母的妹妹相依為命的故事。在沒有青年人的村子裏, 12歲的小雲潔除了要努力學習外,還負擔著繁重的家務,辛苦與快樂交織在這個夏天裏。冬天來了,小雲潔目睹了即將升學的好友們相繼離家出走,南下打工。而奶奶的突然離世,使她還算輕鬆的童年生活戛然而止。小雲潔隻能帶著兩個妹妹,背井離鄉去尋找自己在廣州打工的父母。而漂泊在外的父母,麵臨著她所不能想象的生存壓力和許多更為嚴峻的問題……
2.0 捉鬼特工隊1986[電影解說]
1986 電影解說簡介: The Real Ghostbusters was an American animated television series based on the hit 1984 film Ghostbusters. The series ran from 1986 to 1991, and was produced by Columbia Pictures Television, DiC Entertainment and Coca-Cola. "The Real" was added to the title over a dispute with Filmation and their Ghost Busters properties.[1]. The series continued the adventures of paranormal investigators Dr. Peter Venkman, Dr. Egon Spengler, Winston Zeddemore, Dr. Ray Stantz, their secretary Janine Melnitz and their mascot ghost Slimer. Dr. Peter Venkman was the group's first-among-equals. While not their official leader, Venkman often made the decision whether or not they would take a case. He also provided comic relief and was usually nominated for tasks no one else wanted to do. Dr. Egon Spengler, a scientific genius, provided the technical expertise the group needed to understand (and many times combat) the ethereal realm. In many episodes Egon formulated the solution when all hope seemed lost. Dr. Ray Stantz was portrayed as an excitable jack-of-all-trades. He was second only to Egon in technical genius, while still remaining a child at heart. Winston Zeddemore (sometimes spelled "Zeddmore") was the courage of the group; his accuracy with the proton gun was his forte. Of all the Ghostbusters, Winston Zeddemore had the least character development in the cartoon series, even though he did star in a few episodes. -
1.0 致命急件[電影解說]
7.0 時空急轉彎3[電影解說]
5.0 時空急轉彎2[電影解說]
1.0 時空急轉彎[電影解說]
1993 電影解說簡介: 故事發生在十二世紀的法國,一種神奇且危險的時光穿梭魔力藥水令戈德弗魯瓦騎士(讓·雷諾 Jean Reno 飾)和其仆人拉弗裏普伊(克裏斯汀·克拉維爾 Christian Clavier 飾)一同穿越到了二十一世紀的美國芝加哥。翻天覆地的變化和車水馬龍的大街讓這兩個“老古董”既好奇又恐懼,就在此時,一位名為茱莉亞(瓦萊麗·勒梅西埃 Pierre Aussedat 飾)的美麗女子出現在了兩人的麵前。巧合的是,這位茱莉亞不是別人,竟然就是戈德弗魯瓦騎士的後代。 很快,戈德弗魯瓦騎士和拉弗裏普伊便明白了他們的處境,與此同時,一個嚴重的問題浮出了水麵——如果他們無法返回屬於自己的時代,那也就意味著,他們的後代,也就是茱莉亞也將不複存在。十萬火急之下,戈德弗魯瓦騎士一行人開始尋找起了回到過去的方法。 -
1.0 倫敦上空的鷹[電影解說]