The film came out as "Detective Belli", starring Franco Nero, then a European heart-throb when the movie came out. Nero plays against type as an unrepentantly corrupt police detective. During the course of the investigation of a murder, Det. Belli makes his way through the upper society of Rome. Amazingly, he begins to develop a conscience and decides to "do the right thing" and find out who the real murderer is. Like all sentient males, he is attracted to Florinda Bolkan who looks fantastic in this film, having also shared the screen with Michael Caine in another movie around this time. The upshot--in a reprise of the famous ending scene in the Maltese Falcon, Nero confronts Bolkan in a graveyard and, although attracted to her, confronts her with the fact that she is the murderer. She tries to bribe him, alluding to a life together. Det. Belli is intransigent. But then, in a very atypical ending, she shoots him and he dies and she gets away with it. A very twisty thriller when it first came out. I enjoyed it and remember the surprise ending to this day.
4.0 汪洋中的一條船1978[電影解說]
3.0 住貨車的女士[電影解說]
2015 電影解說簡介: 故事發生在1977年的英國倫敦,一位名為謝波德(瑪吉·史密斯 Maggie Smith 飾)的老太太開著她的姥爺車來到了一個位於這裏的中產社區中。謝波德沒有家,吃喝拉撒都在自己的車裏,換句話說,在別人的眼中,她就是一名髒兮兮臭烘烘的流浪漢。 在這個社區裏生活的中產們憑借著他們出色的教養容忍了謝波德女士的入侵,然而他們的善良和寬容卻並沒有換來謝波德太太的好臉色。這個脾氣又倔又強的老太太讓生活在這裏的人吃盡了苦頭。久而久之,沒有人再搭理謝波德太太了,除了一個看上去憨憨的劇作家阿蘭(阿曆克斯·傑寧斯 Alex Jennings 飾),他不僅每天都對謝波德太太笑臉相迎,甚至同意她占用自己家的車道停車。 -
10.0 童年的許諾[電影解說]
8.0 走路上學[電影解說]
3.0 煙花1995[電影解說]
6.0 JOJO的奇妙冒險[電影解說]
2012 電影解說簡介: 在一次意外中,喬納森(興津和幸 配音)的父親喬斯達爵士(菅原正誌 配音)被陌生少年迪奧布蘭度(子安武人 配音)所救,善良的爵士收留了自稱無依無靠的迪奧,後者則以養子的身份正式進入了喬斯達家族的大門。在他人的眼中,迪奧是一個優秀正直的少年,可是,隻有經曆過迪奧殘酷欺辱的喬 納森才知道,在迪奧光鮮的麵具後麵,隱藏著一顆邪惡的心。 果不其然,隨著年齡的增長,迪奧開始覬覦起了喬斯達家族的龐大家產。無意間,迪奧發現了能夠使人變得強大的石鬼麵具,為了獲得更多的財富和權力,迪奧毫不猶豫的帶上了麵具。在成為了恐怖的吸血鬼後,迪奧開始了對喬斯達家族的瘋狂報複。為了替父親和整個家族報仇,喬納森開始修煉唯一能夠打敗吸血鬼的波紋氣功,麵對著強大的敵人及其黨羽,喬納森能夠獲得最終的勝利嗎?