伽羅華(阿雷胡·蘇拉斯 Alejo Sauras 飾)、奧莉薇婭(伊蓮娜·巴雷斯特羅斯 Elena Ballesteros 飾)、帕斯卡(桑提·米蘭 Santi Millán 飾)和希爾伯特(路易斯·霍馬 Lluís Homar 飾)分別是各自學術行業裏的佼佼者,某一日,一封神秘的邀請函和一道詭異的謎題將四人聚集到了同一個房間之中。 然而,被困住的四人很快就發現,他們陷入了某人精心設計的“遊戲”之中,如果不能正確回答一道又一道的謎題,他們終將被不斷逼近的牆壁壓成肉泥。在緊張的解題過程中,四人還必須相互試探彼此的真實身份以及找到其中的關聯,緊張的氛圍之中,高智商的四人組最終能夠逃出生天嗎?之後等待著他們的又會是什麽呢?
9.0 鬼掩眼[電影解說]
1983 電影解說簡介: 亞寶(黃允材飾)乃消防員,一日於火場發現一具女性焦屍,但此焦屍竟突然動手掩寳之眼,寳當場暈倒。甦醒後的寳,性情大變,終日不言不語。原來,當日火場之女屍,與寳前世有未了恩怨,故此今生要借寳之手保護其仍在世之胞妹亞花(何思嘉飾)。 花年少無知,貪慕虛榮,認識了著名影星易天麗(程可為飾)之後,竟放棄了原來的工作,開始當其模特兒,事實上,易天麗對花有非份之想。亞寳身被鬼借,時刻對花加以保護,花雖不勝其煩,但事實上卻屢屢化險為夷。花為了功利而接近易及攝影師亞Dee(艾迪飾),Dee迷於花之美色。某日欲有所行動,卻遭神秘人所傷,此神秘人竟然是易,但Dee死心不息,一夕終以酒及迷藥迷姦花,事後且讓廣告商邱某(盧遠飾)分一杯羹。 花慘遭輪姦之後心情惡劣,終為易所乘,與易發生同性戀行為,成為易之洩欲工具。花一再受辱,一時想不開自殺,千鈞一髮之際,寳出現解救,並出示其亡姊之照片,至此,花始知一直跟蹤保護自己者,實際上是亡姊之魂,但花仍不知,亡姊實際上亦有同一遭遇,並因此而踏上自殺焚身之路。 為雪恥報仇,寳(花姊)決定盡殺易天麗與Dee二人。在寳殺易之同一時間,Dee由花之密友亞秀(金燕玲飾)口中,得悉花姊可能附身於一消防員身上而有所作為,遂以先前姦汙亞花時拍下之照片,威脅花說出寳藏身處。 在寳家,Dee與寳初度動手,互無勝負,Dee立刻返回攝影室,寳殺到,雙方為舊恨新仇對陣,Dee且脅持花對付寳(花姊),在姊妹情深之下,寳險遭毒手,但得花之助,終克服神佛助Dee之力,慘勝Dee,但被花姊附身之寳亦一齊犧牲。寳臨終之前,猶高呼此生借身之仇,他生必報。 -
3.0 鬼風吹[電影解說]
10.0 觀世音1967[電影解說]
6.0 黑暗之夜[電影解說]
3.0 海底怪客[電影解說]
1994 電影解說簡介: 五個年輕人巴比、麥克、小桃、朱麗和瑪格趁著假期開著小船出海遊玩,卻因為大意而被擱淺在海上,屋漏偏逢連夜雨的他們又遇上暴風雨,在大雨傾盆的情況下,他們找到了一艘並沒有人的豪華遊艇,以為找到了桃花源,在裏麵飲酒作樂,沒想到可怕的危險就隱藏在這座豪華遊艇裏。遊艇好像是一個大的實驗室,裏麵有奇奇怪怪的遠古魚類化石。巴比看到實驗台上的白色粉末,嚐了一下,以為是毒品。而後,瑪格被會飛的魚咬傷,他們才意識到問題的嚴重。麥克仔細研究了電腦裏的資料,發現原來這些魚都是吃了受汙染的浮遊生物後發生了異變。可此時已經為時已晚,除了麥克其餘四人都被感染。遊艇即將爆炸,這些怪物也即將被消滅,隻有麥克跳海逃出。誰知怪物並沒有死,麥克也沒有逃生。 -
6.0 精神病院1972[電影解說]
1972 電影解說簡介: Framing StoryDr Martin (Robert Powell) arrives at a secluded asylum "for the incurably insane" to be interviewed for a job by the wheelchair-using, authoritarian Dr Lionel Rutherford (Patrick Magee). Rutherford explains that he owes his current incapacitation to an attack by an inmate. Rutherford reveals his unorthodox plan to determine Martin's suitability for the post of head Doctor. One of the asylum's current inmates is Dr B. Starr, the former head doctor who underwent a complete mental breakdown. Martin is to interview the inmates of the asylum to deduce which one is Dr Starr. If his choice is correct Rutherford will "consider" him for the post. The attendant Max Reynolds (Geoffrey Bayldon) admits Martin through the security door to the inmates' solitary confinement cells where he interviews each in turn. "Frozen Fear"Bonnie (Barbara Parkins) recounts the plot to murder Ruth (Sylvia Sims), the wealthy wife of her lover Walter (Richard Todd). Ruth is a possessive heiress who studies voodoo, and this interest stands in the way of Bonnie and Walter being together. "The Weird Tailor"Bruno (Barry Morse) recounts how poverty forced him to accept the unusual request of a Mr Smith (Peter Cushing) to produce an elaborate suit of clothing from a mysterious, scintillating, fabric that can animate anything, including the dead. After learning what the suit will be used for, Bruno fights Smith and accidentally kills him. He returns with the unsold suit. His wife Anna (Anne Firbank) dresses their store mannequin in the suit and its true powers are revealed. "Lucy Comes To Stay"The ebullient Barbara (Charlotte Rampling) informs Martin she has been in an asylum before. After her release from that asylum she was closely monitored at home by her brother George (James Villiers) and a nurse, Miss Higgins (Megs Jenkins). This frustrated existence is relieved when her mischievous friend Lucy (Britt Ekland) comes to visit. "Mannikins of Horror"Finally Martin interviews Dr Byron (Herbert Lom) who holds Rutherford in deep contempt. Byron explains he is working towards soul transference with a small automaton whose head is a likeness of his own, and shows Martin several earlier models. Byron plans to "will" his mannequin to life, and explains the interior of the robot is organic, a miniaturised version of his own viscera. Martin concludes his interview and Max shows him downstairs to deliver his judgement to Rutherford. Byron successfully brings his mannequin to life: it makes its way to Rutherford's office and kills him with a surgical knife. Then, Martin destroys the mannequin and seeks help from Max Reynolds, and Dr. Starr's true identity is revealed.