洛杉磯最炙手可熱的辯護律師隆重回歸,《林肯律師》第二季登場!米奇·海勒(曼努埃爾·加西亞-魯爾福 Manuel Garcia-Rulfo 飾),他是離經叛道的理想主義者,以自己的林肯房車後座為執業基地,跑遍遼闊的洛杉磯,承接各種大小案件,伸張屬於自己的正義。該劇改編自知名作家邁克爾·康納利的暢銷書係《林肯律師》,第 2 季以係列第四部小說《第五個證人》為本。第二季第1部7月6日上線,第2部8月3日上線。
9.0 天堂島疑雲第九季
3.0 天堂島疑雲第八季
5.0 天堂島疑雲第七季
2018 美國簡介:Jack Mooney is starting to settle in the sun-soaked island of Saint-Marie, and he has some impossible mysteries to solve. A champion poker player, apparently poisoned at the table in front of an astonished audience. A novelist, murdered in a plot more surprising than anything he’s ever written. And a spiritual leader, strangled at a time when all the suspects were each other’s ... -
3.0 天堂島疑雲第六季
2017 美國簡介:DI Humphrey Goodman and his team are back solving increasingly puzzling murders on the beautiful island of Saint Marie - from a body on a volcano to a two-part story which takes the team to London. But it’s not just the crime which is troubling Humphrey - as his relationship with Martha blossoms, will the course of true love run smoothly? Meanwhile the team are concerned for Se... -
9.0 天堂島疑雲第五季
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