Secluded from the world, in XIX century rural Romania, a widow and mother of three must defend what's left of her family, at all costs, from an old family friend turned foe. Based on one of the best-known Romanian folk tales (The Goat and Her Three Kids by Ion Creanga), this film aims to unveil the true nature of the famed bedtime story and to treat the audience to a different ...
9.0 女巫1922
1922 恐怖簡介: 一部有關宗教巫術的準記錄片,世界前50名紀錄片第39位。 簡介:《女巫們》也叫《曆代的巫術》,可以看作是一部有關宗教巫術的準記錄片。1919 到1921間丹麥導演創作了這部瑞典與丹麥合拍的超越時代傑作,並在該片中扮演魔鬼一角。這部影片構思新奇、造型技巧高超、畫麵結構嚴謹,運用富於表現力的特寫鏡頭和動作感強的蒙太奇均很恰當。但是由於宗教原因,這部電影當時被瑞典和其他歐洲國家列為禁片,直到1929年,經過嚴格刪剪的版本才在美國出現。導演也因為當時Hollywood的納賢口號而移居美國,但也並未得誌,鬱鬱而終。這部作品的意義不僅在於題材的敏感和手法的前衛,在視覺成就方麵,本片無疑更是電影史上的翹楚之一。 -
7.0 女巫1990
5.0 披著娘皮的蜥蜴
1971 恐怖簡介: Florinda Bolkan plays the daughter of a prominant English politician who keeps having recurring "nightmares" in which she makes love to a bisexual nympho who lives downstairs and conducts all-night LSD orgies. When the nocturnal wet dreams become murderous, the neighbor turns up dead, and Florinda is the main suspect. Did she actually commit the murder she dreamt about? Is she being framed by her philandering husband? Did Florinda actually make nightly visits downstairs aside from borrowing the occasional cup of sugar? How DID Florinda's letter opener end up stuck in the dead neighbor's chest anyway? The complex plot unfolds amidst red herrings, outlandish dream sequences, lesbian hanky panky, and ominous close-ups of Florinda Bolkan's guilt-ridden facial expressions every time someone mentions the murder. All this takes place in swinging late-1960's London. -
1.0 山狗1999
2.0 死亡遊戲2016
6.0 鈦
2021 恐怖簡介: 艾莉克西亞(阿加莎·羅塞勒 Agathe Rousselle 飾)是一名汽車模特,擁有曼妙身材的她靠著跳豔舞維持生計。早年間,一場車禍讓艾莉克西亞的大腦中被醫生植入了鈦金屬,這塊金屬隨著時間的推移,漸漸影響了她的性格,讓她變得暴戾而又狂躁,在鈦金屬的影響下,她甚至殺死了自己的雙親。不僅如此,艾莉克西亞還發現自己對汽車產生了性趣,在和汽車發生了性關係後,艾莉克西亞發現自己的身體逐漸出現了妊娠的征兆。 文森特(文森特·林頓 Vincent Lindon 飾)是消防隊的隊長,早年間,他的兒子失蹤了,這些年來,他一直都沒有放棄過尋找兒子的下落。命運讓艾莉克西亞和文森特相遇了,艾莉克西亞女扮男裝,假裝成為文森特的兒子,和文森特開始了住在同一屋簷下的生活。她一邊要努力維係自己的謊言不被戳穿,一遍還要隱藏漸漸變形的身體。當然,紙是包不住火的,在長久的壓抑之後,艾莉克西亞和文森特之間的關係也發生了微妙的變化。