劇本根據Alexandra Cunningham和Kevin J. Hynes合寫的故事創作,講述Alex在一場短暫的婚外情後,迷戀上了自己的情人Dan。劇集將從現代對女強人、人格障礙和強製控製的態度出發,探索永恒的主題:婚姻和不忠。
1987年電影中,Glenn Close飾演Alex,Michael Douglas飾演Dan,Anne Archer飾演Dan的妻子。
1.0 異獵
2016 美國簡介:Syfy在14年預訂了《行屍走肉 The Walking Dead》執行製作人Gale Anne Hurd的一部新劇 - 《異獵 Hunters》。電視台預訂了13集,現在確定首播日期為美國時間4月11日;故事是由Whitley Strieber的小說Alien Hunter改篇而成,描述一個巴爾的摩FBI探員Flynn Carroll(Nathan Phillip飾演)的妻子失蹤後,他的調查引導他發現一支政府組成的秘密小組Exo-Terrorism Unit,這支ETU麵對的恐怖份子,並不是人類,而是外星人。 Flynn後來加入ETU,不過跟他一同並肩作戰的Regan(Britne Oldford),主角懷疑她可能也是外星人。Julian McMahon則飾演一個瘋狂的外星人恐怖份子,但外表上跟人類無疑。@COD字幕組 -
10.0 異空漫遊第一季
2015 美國簡介:It is the year 2105... a young, inexperienced and highly flawed crew embarks on a routine exploratory space mission. Suddenly, their ship, the UMP Cruiser, is drawn through a portal into a different, mysterious universe. With no maps, no contact, and no way back home, Captain Stewart Lipinski, First Officer/Stewart's-Older-Sister Karen Lipinski and their crew have to learn to w... -
4.0 億萬圖謀
2021 美國簡介:Two German computer pioneers who go to court in the fight against an apparently invincible opponent in order to be recognized as the inventor of the Google Earth algorithm. The series illuminates both the hacker scene in post-reunification Berlin in the 90s, as well as the idealistic world of early Silicon Valley and the harsh reality of a multi-million dollar process. -
10.0 億萬第二季
10.0 億萬第三季
4.0 億萬第四季