10.0 死亡遊戲2016
2.0 死亡電梯
9.0 死亡直播
6.0 死亡筆記2017
5.0 死亡航班
2007 恐怖簡介:一架從洛杉磯飛往巴黎的747航班上,搭載了幾名不速之客。他們是來自美國軍方的科學家,現在正計劃帶著一具屍體逃離美國。此前,他們在CIA的授意下對瘧疾病毒進行研究,旨在開發出適合戰爭需要的生化武器,最終他們一種神奇的病毒應運而生。被該病毒感染的人其生命力、爆發力以及意誌都空前增強,與之相對疼痛感和恐懼心理則降至最低,即使身負重傷他們也能勇往直前,決不退縮。科學家們所帶的屍體正攜帶這種恐怖的病毒。 飛機在空中遭遇強烈的雷陣雨,劇烈的顛簸將行李艙內的屍體釋放出來,並迅速化身為毫無人性、嗜血如命的恐怖僵屍。才從暴風雨的侵襲中舒緩過來的乘客們怎麽也沒想到,機艙很快將變成充滿殺戮的血腥地獄…… -
4.0 死亡船
1980 恐怖簡介:Survivors of a tragic shipping collision are rescued by a mysterious black ship which appears out of the fog. Little do they realise that the ship is actually a Nazi torture ship which has sailed the seas for years, luring unsuspecting sailors aboard and killing them off one by one. 91 Those who survive the ghost ship are better off dead!