10.0 我是警察
2014 劇情簡介:Set in Southern Sweden, the film follows the mismatch of a Swedish police officer with a broken police car and a Dutch hitchhiker, as they walk over a deserted road to a gas station. At first, things seem normal, but when they reach the gas station and meet two other police officers, they need each other more than they'd want. -
4.0 我是誰2011
4.0 我是阿拉伯人
10.0 我殺了安迪·沃霍爾
7.0 我殺的那位
1932 劇情簡介:Haunted by the memory of Walter Holderlin, a soldier he killed during World War I, French musician Paul Renard (Phillips Holmes) confesses to a priest (Frank Sheridan), who grants him absolution. Using the address on a letter he found on the dead man's body, Paul then travels to Germany to find his family. As anti-French sentiment continues to permeate Germany, Dr. Holderlin (L... -
8.0 我來自北京之按下葫蘆起來梨
2021 劇情簡介:《我來自北京之按下葫蘆起來梨》是由最高人民法院新聞局監製,北京市廣播電視局指導,中國電視劇製作產業協會青年工作委員會組織,北京長信影視傳媒有限公司出品,中共寧陵縣委、寧陵縣政府協攝,郭靖宇 監製,柏杉 執導,薛鑫、李梓逍擔任總製片人,劉博擔任製片人,李誌超、劉雨暢編劇,楊誌剛 、呂一 領銜主演,黑子 、張輝、魏子揚、郝明奇、裴興雷 、顧靖 、馬赫 、盧琳主演。 該片以“脫貧攻堅戰”這一偉大曆史進程為故事背景,講述最高人民法院扶貧幹部在精準扶貧工作中的典型事跡。 該片於2020年9月30日開機,全部場景均在寧陵縣實景拍攝,影片在完成後期製作後,計劃在12月4日“國家憲法日”首映。