5.0 荷爾蒙
2013 泰劇簡介:長相帥氣、成績優異的Win(帕查拉·奇拉錫瓦特 Pachara Chirathivat 飾)是學校裏的萬人迷,開學第一天他就向老師提出一個問題:為什麽要穿校服?第二天,他就穿著便服上學,公然對抗校方。此舉引來學生們的響應,事件雖然很快被解決了,但Win無疑是公認的學生領袖。然而有一個人始終不會附和他,那就是學校裏的另一個名人——完美女孩Kwan(安蘇瑪琳·瑟拉帕薩默莎 Ungsumalynn Sirapatsakmetha 飾),她長得漂亮頭腦又好,是老師們喜愛的好好學生。這樣的兩個青春男女,會擦出什麽樣的火花? 與此同時,吉他少年Tar加入了學校樂隊,他喜歡的女孩Toei開始遇到了煩惱;薩克斯風手Phu和長笛手Tee之間的同性戀情悄悄醞釀;“壞學生”Phai無意間撞破了校園“蕩婦”Sprite的秘密,他們隨之有了意想不到的交集……這樣一群正值青春、... -
5.0 調皮爸爸
2018 泰劇簡介:San Kaew is a cunning girl who disguised herself as a boy to find her real dad. She then finally meets him. Panin, a player businessman, is shocked, then he remembered that he was once involved with a woman named Thipkesorn, San Kaew's mother. He thinks his son is a lady boy and tries to be a good role model to him, so he can be a man, but he doesn't know that she's a girl. -
9.0 超級明星爸爸
2010 泰劇簡介:丹西帕(蘇格拉瓦·卡那諾 Sukollawat Kanaros 飾)是人氣爆棚的當紅偶像,正在同門當戶對的名模普拉法(Grace Karnklao Duaysienklao 飾)交往,不出意外的話,兩人很快就將攜手步入婚姻的殿堂。某一天,一個名叫艾達的孩子找到了丹西帕,並聲稱自己是丹西帕的孩子。 原來,丹西帕曾和艾達的母親凱特(Jakjaan Akumsiri Suwannasuk 飾)有過一段始亂終棄的孽緣,然而,丹西帕並不知道當初分手之際,凱特的腹中已經有了自己的骨肉。就這樣,艾達住進了丹西帕的家中,而他的存在也讓凱特再度出現在了丹西帕的生活裏。丹西帕發現,自己內心裏對於凱特的感情開始死灰複燃,這讓個性強勢善妒的普拉法感到了強大的威脅。 -
1.0 逐月之月
5.0 逐月之月第二季
2019 泰劇簡介:Wayo is accepted at the Kantaphat University, in the Faculty of Sciences; in the same institution he studies, Phana, a second-year boy he has always been in love with, though he never managed to talk to him. When Wayo has the chance to become the "moon" of his faculty, the two will begin to spend time together because Phana himself has been the "moon" of the medical school the ... -
6.0 重啟戀的世界