5.0 極限空間[電影解說]
2007 電影解說簡介: 伽羅華(阿雷胡·蘇拉斯 Alejo Sauras 飾)、奧莉薇婭(伊蓮娜·巴雷斯特羅斯 Elena Ballesteros 飾)、帕斯卡(桑提·米蘭 Santi Millán 飾)和希爾伯特(路易斯·霍馬 Lluís Homar 飾)分別是各自學術行業裏的佼佼者,某一日,一封神秘的邀請函和一道詭異的謎題將四人聚集到了同一個房間之中。 然而,被困住的四人很快就發現,他們陷入了某人精心設計的“遊戲”之中,如果不能正確回答一道又一道的謎題,他們終將被不斷逼近的牆壁壓成肉泥。在緊張的解題過程中,四人還必須相互試探彼此的真實身份以及找到其中的關聯,緊張的氛圍之中,高智商的四人組最終能夠逃出生天嗎?之後等待著他們的又會是什麽呢? -
1.0 激情之花[電影解說]
8.0 渴望茱莉亞1986[電影解說]
1986 電影解說簡介: A young man falls in love with extra-liberated Giulia (who is no-one else but Serena Grandi, a legend in erotic cinema). Their relationship becomes very passionate, but Giulia has no limits in her sexual fantasies and games. Poor guy, will soon discover he'll have to pay a price for Giulia. He'll have to put up with all her strange and pervert desires, until of course he reaches his limits. Beautifully photographed, erotic movie. I highly recommend it to all fans of erotic cinema. -
7.0 女攝影師的欲望[電影解說]
8.0 三春艶史(港)1971[電影解說]
5.0 十一天十一夜[電影解說]
1988 電影解說簡介: Gloria works as a top nude model and prostitute, but she has a secret. In reality she is writer and social critic Sarah Asproon researching her new book. Peter finds out and blackmails her by demanding sex for his silence. Meanwhile Sarah develops feelings for computer whiz Cliff, who struggles to resolve his own sexual orientation.