10.0 安邦定國誌
4.0 安靜的鄉村女人
1980 劇情簡介:Italy, late thirties. The regime of Mussolini are sent Italian volunteers to the civil war in Spain. On the background of a peaceful village landscapes, behind the walls of the old farmhouses Florianna creating its own dictatorship: everything is run by her brother Guido, who requires unquestioning obedience to his will www.molikan.com. He believes all women around is his prope... -
7.0 安魂
7.0 安魂曲
2014 劇情簡介:孟小軍的全家遭遇了一場慘烈的車禍,他們騎的摩托車被卡車撞翻,孟小軍受了重傷,年僅4歲的女兒嚴重腦損傷,而妻子則當場死亡。女兒必須在一周之內做一台昂貴的手術才能保住性命,手術的花費要十二萬,作為小縣城的修車工,孟小軍根本無法在一周之內湊到錢。所以,走投無路的他聽從了太平間管理員老張的建議:打算將妻子的遺體賣到農村,與一個剛剛死去的年輕人結成陰婚。 All the families of Xiaojun Meng suffered a serious car accident. A truck rammed his motorcycle and Xiaojun Meng was hurt badly and her four-year-old daughter was suffered a fearful brain damage, but her wi... -
9.0 宋宮秘史
1.0 完全和平手冊
2011 劇情簡介:What is peace? What is coexistence? And what are the basis for them? PEACE is a visual-essay-like observational documentary, which contemplates these questions by observing the daily lives of people and cats in Okayama city, Japan, where life and death, acceptance and rejection are intermingled.