2.0 血濺金粉獄
1954 劇情簡介: Two detectives are investigating a robbery in which $300,000 was taken. Their investigation leads them to the main player and they find the cash, but one of them has meanwhile fallen hard for a woman with expensive tastes, and though he desperately wants to keep her, he knows that a cop's salary isn't going to be enough for her. -
1.0 鳳凰劫1965
10.0 金字塔
1955 劇情簡介: 故事發生在5000年前的埃及。法老胡夫(傑克·霍金斯 Jack Hawkins 飾)四處征戰捷報連連,帶回了大量的金銀財寶和戰俘。幻想著獲得永生的法老命令戰俘中的一位名叫瓦石塔(詹姆斯·羅伯遜·賈斯蒂 James Robertson Justice 飾)的建築師為他建造金字塔。瓦石塔和胡夫之間達成了協議,根據金字塔工程的推進分批釋放戰俘。 金字塔的建造有條不紊的進行著,然而,就在工程即將結束之時,野心勃勃的皇妃奈裏夫(瓊·柯琳斯 Joan Collins 飾)暗殺了胡夫和皇後奈拉(克裏瑪 Kerima 飾)。皇家祭司哈馬(亞曆克斯·米諾蒂斯 Alex Minotis 飾)在最後關頭遵守了胡夫的承諾,釋放了瓦石塔和他的族人。 -
1.0 冷暖人間
5.0 血洗英雄堡
6.0 異域