10.0 母子情深
5.0 母愛清單
3.0 母牛一條
7.0 每個人都喜歡著某個人
2017 劇情簡介:On the surface, Clara Barron seems to have it all: a job as an OB-GYN; a great house in LA; and a loving family. But, the one thing Clara doesn't have figured out is her love life. Pressured by a family wedding in Mexico, Clara asks a co-worker to pose as her boyfriend for the weekend festivities,- only to be caught by surprise when her ex- boyfriend (and family favorite) sudde... -
9.0 每天愛你8小時
1998 劇情簡介:每天都有24小時,到底該怎麽分配才是生活的最合理的方式?張書偉(梁朝偉 飾)是才華橫溢的設計師,從事廣告工作,屢次被甩的他對愛情已無期待,看著同事兼好友Patrick(方中信 飾)左擁右抱地和固定女友亞芬(童愛玲 飾),暗戀他的同事亞媚(關秀媚 飾)糾纏發展,他更是不敢再愛了。但是湊巧這時候他遇到了清純與性感兼具的影視新人徐若如(徐若瑄 飾),對方單純而直接,張書偉一方麵在抑製自己對她的感情,一方麵又無法抗拒誘惑。與此同時,張書偉又與平時對立的女上司Vivian(蔡少芬 飾)日久生情。麵對截然不同的兩個人該如何選擇,兩段感情又該如何收場? 關秀媚憑借本片獲得台灣金馬獎最佳女配角提名。 -
8.0 毒婦與惡漢
1952 劇情簡介:Mystery writer Janet Frobisher lives alone in a dark English country house, when she's not philandering with her secretary's fiancée. At an extremely awkward moment, she has an unwelcome visitor: George Bates, who claims to be the partner in crime of Janet's estranged husband. George insinuates himself into Janet's home and life despite her efforts to get rid of him; the tangle...