

類型: 電影解說
導演: 鄭偉文




  David(古天樂 飾)、碧鹹(蘇誌威 飾)、碧鹹的妹妹阿Ann(楊恭如 飾)、泉(李燦森 飾)從小一起長大,四人宛如兄弟姐妹,David與阿Ann更是青梅竹馬。一日,阿Ann在夜總會做陪酒女郎時被黑道社團洪樂社的老大勝(方中信 飾)看上,隨後,Ann在酒吧為David慶祝生日時遇到了勝。David與勝爭風吃醋發生了爭執,打鬥中勝錯手誤傷了泉,使其成了植物人,悲憤不已的David發誓要幫泉報仇。碧鹹好賭欠下高利貸無法償還,被色魔雄要挾用Ann來還債。勝得知後派手下與David、碧鹹一起去找色魔雄談判,豈料談判破裂雙方大打出手,心狠手辣的David奮勇殺出一條血路,斬殺了色魔雄。一時間David聞名江湖,隨後加入了洪樂社。David表現出色,很快獲得了勝的賞識,他認為為泉報仇的時機已經到了……


  • 希斯與利夫[電影解說] 1.0 希斯與利夫[電影解說]
    1980 電影解說
    簡介:  每集半小時被拆成了兩段。  前半段的主角是希斯。希斯是隻家貓,聰明又能打架(狗都打不過它~),總是在食品店裏搶吃的,野貓似的在街道上亂竄。  後半段的主角是利夫。利夫是隻野貓,聰明的它是一個四人(貓)組的頭頭,還有個白白的女朋友。利夫和它的朋友們住在垃圾場的一部破轎車裏(那部轎車能飛的),過著極其擬人化的生活,且頗有小資的感覺。貌似它的生活比希斯更像家貓一點。。  Aired: 1984 - 2012  Show Type: Animated  Country of Origin: US  Show Summary: A practical joker and career trouble maker, Heathcliff struts through life in search of new ways to torment Spike, the neighborhood bulldog, or to woo Sonja, his beloved fancy feline girlfriend. At home, he is the bane of Grandpa's existence but adored by Grandma and Iggy Nutmeg, his human owners. Joined with Heathcliff is The Catillac Cats, a band of junkyard cats with their leader Riff Raff, a short cat with a tall sexy feline girlfriend named Cleo, and a Cadillac car that can change into almost anything. Riff Raff's get-rich-quick schemes and search for good eats have the rest of the gang (Hector, Mugo, and Wordsworth) constantly in and out of trouble and adventures  US Theatrical Release Date: January 17, 1986  MPAA:  Production Company: Atlantic Releasing Corp., Audiovisuel Syndicate, DiC Enterprises, LBS Communications Inc., McNaught Syndicate  Cast 演員  Mel Blanc as Heathcliff/Spike, Donna Christie as Iggy, Peter Cullen, Jeannie Elias as Marcy, Stan Jones as Wordsworth, Marilyn Lightstone as Sonja/Grandma, Danny Mann as Hector/Fish Market Proprietor, Derek McGrath, Marilyn Schreffler, Danny Wells, Ted Zeigler as Grandpa/Mungo, Mel Blanc as Heathcliff/Spike, Donna Christie as Iggy, Peter Cullen, Jeannie Elias as Marcy, Stan Jones as Wordsworth, Marilyn Lightstone as Sonja/Grandma, Danny Mann as Hector/Fish Market Proprietor, Derek McGrath, Marilyn Schreffler, Danny Wells...  主題曲歌詞the theme song  Heathcliff, Heathcliff, no one should  Terrify their neighborhood  But Heathcliff just won't be undone  Playing pranks on everyone  There's a race to be on top  The competition doesn't stop  Mixing with the ladies fair  Being charming, debonair  The gang will reign supreme  And no one can deny  They'll make 'em history  And always have an alibi  So join in the jubilee  The cats are great they'll all agree  They'll find in each calamity  The cats superiority  Heathcliff, Heathcliff, no one should  Terrify their neighborhood  But Heathcliff just won't be undone  You should realize he can win it with you ( more )
  • 黃鼠狼威索[電影解說] 7.0 黃鼠狼威索[電影解說]
    1997 電影解說
    簡介:  從1999年到2001年,黃鼠狼威索脫離了雞與牛,成為一部獨立的動畫。  這部動畫一般有兩位主角:黃鼠狼我·是·威索(I.M.Weasel)和狒狒我·乃·班布(I.R.Baboon)。兩人的口號也就是他們的名字。  黃鼠狼威索是個很有天賦的哲學家,通常也是劇集中唯一的勝利者。  相比之下,狒狒班布就很笨,而且有很多語法錯誤(正如他把名字中的I.R.)。他很嫉妒威索。班布懂的東西很少,但是他被人發現有藝術鑒賞天賦。  班布隻穿一件T恤,上麵倒寫著"I. R."(我乃)。他的紅屁股經常被人笑話。  動畫中經常隻有威索和班布,但是在後來的故事中,也出現了沒穿褲子先生。就像雞與牛中一樣,沒穿褲子先生是一個類似惡魔的人。威索給了他一個新的口頭禪: "大家好!我又來了!"(Hello!! It's me!)。  雞與牛中的其他人物也時常出現在這部動畫中。
  • 小恐龍的故事 第一季[電影解說] 4.0 小恐龍的故事 第一季[電影解說]
    小恐龍的故事 第一季[電影解說]
    1993 電影解說
    簡介:  Dino Babies is a family-friendly educational cartoon spotlighting six young dinosaurs who share stories and adventures.  It was a BBC television series that aired from 3 September 1990 to 30 March 2001.  In each episode, the Dinobabies put their own imaginative spin on a classic tale, from "Dak and the Beanstalk" to "The Abominable Snowbaby". As fun as these flights of fancy were, they always had something important to say about the dinosaurs themselves and the world around them. By acting out classic tales, the dinosaurs learned valuable moral lessons.
  • 神貓[電影解說] 8.0 神貓[電影解說]
    1961 電影解說
    簡介:  Top Cat is the leader of a group of alley cats, always trying to cheat someone.
  • 戰刀騎士[電影解說] 4.0 戰刀騎士[電影解說]
    1987 電影解說
    簡介:  當年午夜在线小视频看到的版本是美版,也就是所謂的《戰刀騎士》。其實《戰刀騎士》的原型是日本的《星銃士ビスマルク》,於1984年在日本NTV電視台播放。美國於1987年引進了該作,英文名為《Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs》,對日版原作做了很大的改動。首先是人物,美國人將日版中的蘭斯羅特改為了第一主人公和隊長,英文名為戰刀騎士(Saber Rider);而日版原作的主人公輝進兒英文名改成了火球(Fireball)成為了隊員;日版中的比爾英文名改為考爾特(Colt);女主人公瑪莉安英文名則變成了艾普莉爾(April),美版中她的情感是搖晃在戰刀騎士與火球兩個人中間的,而不像日版確立了她與輝進兒的關係。主機體俾斯麥英文名變成了蘭姆羅德(Ramrod)。原來日版中的敵方外星人佩裏奧斯,在美版中變成了地球人的叛徒,英文名字成了傑西·布魯(Jesse Blue)。
  • 奧維德和他的夥伴[電影解說] 7.0 奧維德和他的夥伴[電影解說]
    1988 電影解說
    簡介:  This animation series is about some animals on a deserted tropical island, where various things are mysteriously found. Most of them want to cohabit happily: the leader Ovide and his cousin named Saphron, the cook and gardener, both platypuses, the red lizard Polo who's the janitor and muscles, the seagull Groaner, the koalas Do, re and Mi and the kangaroo Mathilda, against whom the evil serpent Cy and his intrinsically gentle helper Bobo the toucan conceive horrible plans, which always fail in the end. Bizarly there is also a TV broadcast with a platypus-announcer. Written by KGF Vissers


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