

類型: 電影解說
導演: Peque Gallaga




  All Filipino erotica movies from the past to the present have almost always taken their story premise and plot from 'Scorpio Nights', Peque Gallaga's masterpiece of poverty, love, and unquenchable libido.  The movie tells the sexual adventures of Danny (Daniel Fernando), a youth who cannot seem to control his urges. Danny served as peeping tom to a childless couple just below his rented apartment. When he accidentally entered the couple's room, he was mistaken by the wife as his own husband and she willingly had sex with him. The steamy affair had turned into an obsession which led to the demise of all the lead characters.  What made the film good was it evoked the painful realities of living below the average class during Philippine Martial Law era, to the extent that people find other ways to pleasure themselves. Also, the film successfully presented a negative consequence of overt sexual obsession.  Never had the Philippines ever produced an indie-like classic such as this. All other erotic movies made after 'Scorpio Nights' were cheap imitations. Even its successor, 'Scorpio Nights 2' (with a different director) failed too much to live up to its predecessor.  Scorpio Nights was later remade into a Korean film called Summertime directed by Jae-ho Park.  Awards for:  Best Cinematography (Manunuri ng Pelikulang Pilipino),  Best Sound (MPP, Philippine Movie Press Club), Best Production Design (PMPC),  Best Music (MPP, PMPC);  Nominations for:  Best Screenplay (PMPC),  Best Cinematography (PMPC),  Best Editing (MPP, PMPC),  Best Production Design (MPP),  Best Actor and  Best New Actor for Daniel Fernando (PMPC),  Best Supporting Actor for Eugene Enriquez (PMPC)


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    簡介:  自三歲開始便在孤兒院生活的裏奇(安東尼奧•班德拉斯),20幾年來因為一直被困在精神病院和療養院中,對外麵的世界一無所知,十分單純、直接、魯莽。  被精神病院的醫生批準可以重返社會,過另一種生活後,裏奇頓感生命火焰重新燃起,並在走出精神病院的大門後立即向自己一直鍾愛的色情片女星瑪麗亞(維托利亞•阿布裏爾)示愛,他的示愛方式是將對方綁架起來,讓對方在這段被囚禁的日子對他發生真正的感情,並要像“他愛她一樣愛他”。
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    簡介:  一支由特種部隊的退伍軍人組成的神秘小組正在郊外的一間倉庫接受雇主任務,他們個個身懷絕技,山姆(羅伯特·德尼羅 Robert De Niro 飾)是前中情局官員、文森特(讓·雷諾 Jean Reno 飾)為前歐洲情報局官員、格雷戈(斯特蘭·斯卡斯加德 Stellan Skarsgård 飾)則是德國電子專家,同時還有英國武器專家史賓斯(肖恩·賓 Sean Bean 飾)和司機拉裏。小組受命要襲擊一支全副武裝的車隊並劫下一隻神秘的公文包。經過一係列激烈追逐和槍戰,小組總算拿到了箱子,卻不料格雷戈竟然背叛了組織,攜公文包潛逃並試圖將其兜售給俄羅斯。然而,在隨後的追回箱子過程中,背叛似乎如詛咒般籠罩著小組,在一次次膽戰心驚的追逐和輾轉之下,成員們再也已無法分辨站在麵前的是敵是友……


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