

類型: 劇情
主演: 徐帆 張嘉益
導演: 潘培成






  • 尋龍契約2龍煉 7.0 尋龍契約2龍煉
    2019 劇情
    簡介:  在現代世界安然平和的背後隱藏著炎黃和蚩尤兩族之爭,為了炎黃族安全與榮譽而戰的聖戰士慕宇哲因小姨蕭寒與女友季然的相繼犧牲而陷入痛苦與消沉之中,卻意外得知蚩尤族野心不死,甚至密謀更邪惡的陰謀,一番痛苦抉擇之後,他加入到新的作戰團隊之中,與辰翊淩、季星、酷裏、小月重回戰場。這是一個關於年輕人冒險精神、兄弟情誼、種族榮譽的故事,他們為了與生俱來的使命、為了保護自己愛的人、為了天下蒼生而選擇了並肩戰鬥,以此抵禦摧毀著蚩尤族的邪惡陰謀。
  • 豬腳 葡萄酒 死亡迅速 7.0 豬腳 葡萄酒 死亡迅速
    豬腳 葡萄酒 死亡迅速
    2010 劇情
    簡介:  兩個曖昧物件間存有的物理習性之外的某種關係,雖無關宏旨,似乎要主動承載整體社會非物理的、迅速的趣向。
  • 布登勃洛克一家 1.0 布登勃洛克一家
    2008 劇情
    簡介:  父親去世後,小約翰(阿明·繆勒-斯塔爾 Armin Mueller-Stahl 飾)接替了父親的職位掌管了公司。小約翰有三個孩子托馬斯、克裏斯蒂(奧古斯特·迪赫 August Diehl 飾)和安東尼(潔西卡·史瓦茲 Jessica Schwarz 飾),聰明勤懇的克裏斯蒂老老實實的跟著約翰學本領,深受約翰的信賴,而托馬斯則和他恰恰相反,喜歡看戲的他總是神龍見首不見尾。  大女兒安東尼眼看就要到了家人的年紀了,約翰相中了一個名叫格林利希(尤斯圖斯·馮·多赫納尼 Justus von Dohnanyi 飾)的青年商人,覺得他和自己的女兒簡直是門當戶對,但是安東尼卻非常討厭這個油腔滑調的男人。之後,安東尼邂逅了另一個年輕人,體會到了愛情的悸動。
  • 仇敵當前 9.0 仇敵當前
    1917 劇情
    簡介:  挪威著名劇作家易仆生編劇,北歐電影黃金時代的開篇之作。全片實景挪威海岸拍攝,拍攝難度與戲劇張力超越當代。原本平凡的水手,戰時為了養家活口冒險出航,卻被軍人所俘。多年後脫身返家卻人事已非,隻有滿腔怨怒相伴。某天,當年俘虜他的仇敵與相隨的妻女海上落難待援,他奮勇而至,卻陷入「復仇還是救援?」的天人交戰。  Terje Vigen, a sailor, suffers the loss of his family through the cruelty of another man. Years later, when his enemy's family finds itself dependent on Terje's beneficence, Terje must decide whether to avenge himself. Based on a poem written by Henrik Ibsen and entirely on locations shooting at the Norwegian coast, the film claimed to be the most expensive production and marked the beginning of the Golden Age in the Nordic film history.
  • 倒計時 10.0 倒計時
    1969 劇情
    簡介:The story appears simple on the surface, but is revealed, especially after multiple viewings, as more multi-layered and textured than Cassavetes at his best. Ostensibly it concerns a 14-year old Catholic girl, Wynne (Agutter) growing up in this post-modern wasteland, who develops a crush on her much older adoptive brother (Marshall)- a crush which perversely deepens and grows into infatuation once she starts to believe he is the local sex killer. This is in itself an idea that makes you sit up and jolt, but as the narrative develops, it continues not necessarily along a linear path but in several confusing and fascinating directions: the family's history, (detailed effectively in chilling flashback during an improvised seance) is a chequered one, and has suffered at least one major relocations and upheaval in the last ten years. At the crux, however, it's the depiction of socialal changes that make I Start Counting so fascinating and elevate its language far beyond the confines of the standard horror film. The major subtext- that teenage girls were maturing more quickly than before, and developing full sexual and romantic appetites (even if in thought rather than deed) but were not possessed of enough discretion to make the right choices- was a step forward for a genre in which its young females had previously been portrayed as bimbo victims (Cover Girl Killer and The Night Caller spring to mind), but not one that all viewers would necessarily agree with. But most striking of all, and possibly the most enduring image which the viewer will take away with them, is of the masterful symbolism with which director Greene invests every shot. Every inch of the Kinch family's world- their house, their walls, their TV, Agutters underwear, bedroom furniture and toys, Sutcliffe's clothes, Marshalls van, the local Catholic church, their town centre, their record shop) - is painted a bright, scintillating white- a white which, by inference, is slowly becoming smudged and corrupted with the dirt of the outside world. White also symbolises, of course, purity and innocence (two qualities Catholic schoolgirls are supposed to hold dear), and it is into this world of innocence that the ever-present red bus (a symbol of violation and penetration), conducted by the lecherous yet similarly juvenile Simon Ward, makes regular journeys. The allegory is further expanded in one scene where Agutter believes she sees the Christ figure in church weeping blood: by the time we acknowledge it, its gone, but the seed has already been planted. Rarely in a genre production has the use of colour and background been so important or effective in creating a uniformity of mood. I Start Counting is as near-perfect an end to a decade as one could hope for, and exactly the kind of film people should be making now- which is, of course, exactly why they never will. A genre essential. by D.R. 
  • 牆壁之間2008 10.0 牆壁之間2008
    2008 劇情
    簡介:  新學期伊始,教師與學生們返回一所普通的社區學校。法語老師兼班主任的弗朗索瓦·馬林(François Bégaudeau 飾)麵對升一年級的新班級,繼續用坦誠又有些好辯的方式教學,這群14歲左右的學生思維活躍,時常在寬鬆的課堂上反詰馬林或是鬥嘴、傳播八卦,馬林不得不一次次中斷進度,解決無數瑣碎的問題。這所學校內匯聚了來自多國的移民學生,隨之而來的問題時常在課堂細節中體現,馬林試圖盡量讓學生們找到自尊,但這些擅於讓老師頭疼的孩子似乎不太接受馬林的說辭。課堂上的唇槍舌劍與部分學生敵視老師的態度讓潛藏著的矛盾隨時會爆發。  本片獲2008年戛納金棕櫚獎,由小說原著兼編劇的François Bégaudeau主演。


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