

類型: 動作
導演: 張英利




華夏時期盜匪大量湧入,探險隊與考古學家找到《馭蛟錄》並收藏起來以免其流失海外。幾年後,父親受到蛇毒重傷的高盈盈(毛娜飾 演)在玄二(王璽飾 演)和玄三(段霄震飾 演)的陪同下,找到了互生情愫多年、會分金定穴之術的富家少爺許飛(安一鑫 飾演),希望他能幫助自己尋找治愈父親蛇毒的解藥。四人途中意外遇到了黃海山(韓東 飾演),五人共同來到了拜柳村,開啟了一段驚險刺激的探險之旅……


  • 航海家 10.0 航海家
    1924 動作
    簡介:Wealthy Rollo Treadway (Buster Keaton) suddenly decides to propose to his neighbor across the street, Betsy O'Brien (Kathryn McGuire), and sends his servant to book passage for a honeymoon sea cruise to Honolulu. When Betsy rejects his sudden offer however, he decides to go on the trip anyway, boarding without delay that night. Because the pier number is partially covered, he ends up on the wrong ship, the Navigator, which Betsy's rich father (Frederick Vroom) has just sold to a small country at war.  Agents for the other small nation in the conflict decide to set the ship adrift that same night. When Betsy's father checks up on the ship, he is captured and tied up by the saboteurs. Betsy hears his cry for help and boards the ship to look for him, just before it is cut loose.  The Navigator drifts out into the Pacific Ocean. The two unwitting passengers eventually find each other. At first, they have great difficulty looking after themselves, but adapt after a few weeks. At one point, they sight a navy ship and hoist a brightly-colored flag, not realizing it signals that the ship is under quarantine. As a result, the other vessel turns away.  Finally, the ship grounds itself near an inhabited tropical island and springs a leak. While Rollo dons a deep sea diving suit and submerges to patch the hole, the black natives canoe out and take Betsy captive. When Rollo emerges from the ocean, the natives are scared off, enabling him to rescue Betsy and take her back to the ship. The natives return and try to board the ship. After a fierce struggle, Rollo and Betsy try to escape in a small dinghy. It starts to sink, and the natives swiftly overtake them in their canoes. Just when all seems lost, a navy submarine surfaces right underneath them and they are saved.
  • 醉生夢死之灣仔之虎 9.0 醉生夢死之灣仔之虎
    1994 動作
    簡介:陳耀慶(任達華 飾)車技嫻熟,與三名好友洪(尹陽明 飾)、聰(張耀揚 飾)、大弟(劉青雲 飾)在灣仔做泊車一行。大弟嗜賭,因拖欠賭債被灣仔阿揚(林國斌 飾)毒打,慶等人為還債竊阿揚車子,自此雙方結下仇怨。慶對有一麵之緣的女子阿妙(陳妙瑛 飾)念念不忘,再次相遇後二人終於走到一起,而洪與阿妙好友阿芬(陳加玲 飾)成為情侶。慶有感自己實力微弱,遂涉足看場與討債,勢力迅速得以擴展,風光一時無兩,多位話事人不滿慶做大,設計拉慶進入毒品生意,結果被慶拒絕。當慶赴澳門參加賽車並萌生退意之時,暗殺者的腳步卻步步逼近……   本片根據灣仔之虎陳耀興經曆改編。
  • 醉馬騮 8.0 醉馬騮
    2003 動作
    簡介:民國初年,硬猴拳宗師文彪(劉家良 飾)擔任二當家的震遠鏢局名震江湖。一次保鏢途中,文彪借馬給過路偵探洪雲虎(劉家輝 飾)時發現親弟文豹夾帶鴉片,文彪欲將文豹送官問罪,反遭文豹聯合總鏢頭於海洋將其重傷後扔入河中,文彪拚盡最後體力爬上民女小敏的木筏……   一年後。陳府公子陳嘉業醉心繪製猴拳圖譜,盡管陳公子對武學一竅不通,但在“叔公”陳秋德(吳京 飾)幫助下得到了充分的繪畫條件。兩人在鎮上搜尋猴拳傳人,巧遇猴拳已頗有造詣的小敏,陳秋德跟蹤小敏,偷窺學得一招半式。洪雲虎拜訪震遠鏢局致謝,發現這裏已物是人非。陳秋德炫耀猴拳被洪雲虎發現,大喜過望的洪雲虎趕回震遠報信,殊不知自己正把麻煩引向隱居的文彪……
  • 醉鬼張三 5.0 醉鬼張三
    1990 動作
    簡介:1900年,帝國主義憑借洋槍洋炮叩開封閉已久的中國大門,八國聯軍長驅直入,燒殺搶掠,無惡不作。慈禧太後和皇帝倉皇逃出紫禁城,黎民百姓未及逃脫,遭受洋人的屠殺和淩辱。義和團將勇石不仁起兵反抗,無奈兵器落後,被洋人殺得丟盔棄甲,死傷無數。   北京郊區附近,醉鬼張三(徐麟威 飾)隱居於此,他身懷絕技,武藝高強,其父曾是清廷官員,但遭到榮祿陷害,家人盡喪性命。在青梅竹馬的王麗媛(惠英紅 飾)的幫助下,張三殺死榮祿走狗玉麵狼,逃到京城。他們與石不仁會合,四方好漢決心不惜一切代價救出被八國聯軍囚禁起來的婦女。一場營救行動旋即展開……
  • 裏見八犬傳 5.0 裏見八犬傳
    1983 動作
    簡介:根據日本著名文學家龍澤馬琴的傳奇小說《南總裏見八犬傳》改編。   館山城主裏見成義之父征討蟇田定包,蟇田之子素藤(目黑佑樹 飾)及其母玉梓(夏木マリ 夏木瑪麗 飾)僥幸存活,將靈魂獻給惡靈,獲得強大而邪惡的力量。數年後素藤帶領暗黑軍團殺入館山城,將裏見一族屠殺殆盡,唯成義之女靜姬(藥師丸博子 飾)逃脫。   靜姬於叢林中遇到犬江親兵衛(真田廣之 飾)、犬山道節(千葉真一 飾)和犬村大角(寺田農 飾)三人,從古老繪卷中得知需集結擁有仁、義、禮、智、忠、信、孝、悌八顆玉石的俠士方可打敗素藤的暗黑軍團。靜姬四處奔走,找尋其餘的“犬義士”,準備和暗黑軍團展開最後一戰……
  • 重建精武門 2.0 重建精武門
    1975 動作


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