5.0 白頭山
2.0 壞家夥們2019
8.0 分貝
3.0 世紀蟲
2022 動作簡介:"The One Hundred" tells the story of a young woman who has just returned from a foreign country. She has to stay at a hotel to quarantine, but then suddenly comes across a monster that can change its shape in a variety of ways, according to the individual that this monster possesses. The concept of the story was inspired by the story of Battambang which was told during the reig... -
9.0 浴火巾幗
2014 動作簡介:西瓦尼(拉妮·瑪克赫吉 Rani Mukherjee 飾)是一名心中充滿了正義感的女警,一次偶然中,她發現了一幫以兒童為作案目標的犯罪團夥,西瓦尼順藤摸瓜找到了幕後黑手卡倫(塔希爾·拉吉·巴辛 Tahir Raj Bhasin 飾)。當卡倫得知是自己的手下卡提亞爾泄露了自己的行蹤後決定殺死他,幸運的是西瓦尼及時趕到,久了卡提亞爾一名,她也因此獲得了一個得力的消息來源。 在西瓦尼和卡倫的幾次交鋒之中,西瓦尼始終占上風,卡倫在交鋒中接連失去信賴的左膀右臂,就在西瓦尼感到能夠一舉破獲這個犯罪團夥時卻被告知,這個案子被德裏警方全權接手,如果她再執意要調查下去,那麽她將會成為整個德裏警方的敵人。 -
9.0 掃黑行動2022