

類型: 愛情






  • 內疚 1.0 內疚
    2019 愛情
    簡介:  Malaal is the story of Shiva and Astha, two very different people from contrasting backgrounds who experience the innocence of love. Does their love find its destination qiwan.cc or do they part ways? Stay on this journey to find out.
  • 我愛你 1.0 我愛你
    2002 愛情
    簡介:  本片改編自王朔小說《過把癮就死》。  杜小桔(徐靜蕾)和王毅(佟大為)結婚後,相識、戀愛中被遮蔽在陰影裏的問題全曝光在了陽光下。杜小桔認為愛情高於一切,婚姻更是愛情的立方級,“神經兮兮”地整日要王毅說“我愛你”,王毅認為愛情同請客吃飯沒本質區別,結了婚愛情有或沒有是一回事,最煩的事是張嘴對杜小桔說出“我愛你”。於是,杜小桔的吃醋和找茬成了一劑劑調節兩人平淡婚姻生活的佐料,而她的反目和出走,則是不想讓日子越流越成死水。
  • 天才反擊 8.0 天才反擊
    1985 愛情
    簡介:  Siskel and Ebert once ran a special show entitled "Movies I'm Embarrassed to Admit I Liked." I suppose that if I composed such a list of guilty pleasures, this one would be one of them . . . but upon reflection, it's really a lot better than that. Fifteen year-old science prodigy Mitch (Gabe Jarret) is recruited by ambitious college professor William Atherton (in yet another of his patented roles as a loathsome character) to work on the professor's prize laser project, not knowing that the prof is really developing a government weapon. Along the way, Mitch is befriended by Chris (Val Kilmer), another prodigy a few years his senior who teaches the Mitch how to loosen up.  This could have degenerated into nothing more than just another teen revenge comedy, but there's so much more: the dialogue is laced with sharp wit; there are some lovely scenes that have nothing to do with the story yet are carefully set up, almost as blackouts (e.g., Mitch goes to a lecture at which a few students have left tape recorders instead of attending; later, at another lecture there are more tape recorders than students; and, in a final scene, one large tape recorder gives the lecture to a room populated by nothing but other small recorders!); and throw-away scenes that make you want to stop and back up the tape (e.g., Chris off-handedly cutting a slice off a bar of solid nitrogen to make a slug for the coffee machine).  It's also one of the few movies to boast the presence of the memorable Michelle Meyerink -- as Jordan, the "girl-nerd" who made being smart and female something to be emulated. And there's Tears for Fears great song, "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" providing the perfect coda as the closing credits begin to roll . . . . Yes: really now, what's there to be embarrassed about?
  • 寒枝折不斷電影版 5.0 寒枝折不斷電影版
    2022 愛情
    簡介:  北邑司大統領張小梅因夢中慘痛情緣無心婚配,偽裝江州張府少爺,散播失落千年血珊瑚在他手中的謠言,一心引殺千刀來偷。退休暗探周青竹因過交不出房租、醫館即將被收走,為了保住醫館重出江湖,接下了針對血珊瑚的竊取計劃。周青竹潛伏至張小梅身邊,其實青梅二人的相遇全是張貴妃的設計,她知曉二人前情淵源,困鎖深宮的她隻盼撮合二人。
  • 最強囍事 4.0 最強囍事
    2011 愛情
    簡介:   化妝師沈美(古天樂 飾)在上一檔電視節目時出現了尷尬,原來平素娘娘腔的他為了生活一直在偽裝。他化妝學校的同學鄭宇強(甄子丹 飾)在深圳一家美容專櫃做化妝師,以高超的技巧贏得無數粉絲,但惟獨沒有俘獲初戀女友戴夢妮(劉嘉玲 飾))的芳心。後者為了寫小說,總是通過易容來貼近人物。陳奇俠(黃百鳴 飾)是石油大亨,唯一怕的就是他女友Dream(閆妮 飾)。後者因為觀看電視節目,成了沈美的粉絲。夫妻倆聯手,讓沈美簽下了合同,成了其化妝品公司的CEO。沈美為錢所動,走馬上任,發現公司同事清一色都是美女。身為娘子軍的他,有一個樸實的助理簡潔(張柏芝 飾)。一次偶然的機會,遊艇王子滑溜溜(杜汶澤 飾)看上了簡潔,兩人開始約會。但是經常受到滑溜溜前女友Victoria(熊黛林 飾)的騷擾。在這個過程中,沈美卻逐漸發現了簡潔與眾不同的美……
  • 動物之家婚禮記 7.0 動物之家婚禮記
    2017 愛情
    簡介:  法國金獎提名導演安東尼寇迪耶動物係喜劇。《印象雷諾瓦》克莉絲塔特瑞特熊性大發,凱薩獎法國當紅小生菲利斯莫阿提喜感演出。  新鮮、難得一見的動物、人與家族的愛情喜劇!午夜在线小视频一家都是動物係,相愛相撕,與生自由...  「在動物園長大,是件多麽幸運的事。」  阿寶天資聰穎,從七歲就喜歡發明,獲得「小發明家」的雅號,因為特殊的家庭關係,他離家到城裡打拚,直到父親的再婚婚禮,才踏上返鄉歸途,搭乘火車回家的路上,遇到一位美麗大方的女孩蘿拉,阿寶異想天開雇用她當日租女友,一起回到瘋癲家族所開設的動物園;然而讓阿寶頭痛的是:蘿拉的來訪,就像小白兔誤闖森林,激起成天穿「黑熊皮」阿寶妹的敵意;喜歡溫泉魚療的父親,在結婚前夕竟與舊情人藕斷絲連,而身處瀕臨破產的動物園,對阿寶來說,麵對廣大眾多的動物容易,與家人相處困難,原來要與比動物還野性的家人共處,才是最棘手的難題…  威尼斯影展、法國凱薩獎提名導演安東尼寇迪耶(Antony Cordier)獻上今年最野、最狂的動物係喜劇,非典型的動物園家族,將禁忌、親情及開放關係,帶入超現實又人性化的幽默感,人性與獸性的拉扯、現代與原始的衝擊,獨具特色、趣味及強烈的生命力。


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