7.0 帶怒而眠
1990 劇情簡介: Charles Burnett, one of America's most highly regarded independent filmmakers, wrote and directed this domestic drama about a black middle-class family living in South central Los Angeles. However, there are no gangs, no guns, no drugs but instead a lyrical story that draws on folklore and the supernatural. family tensions are already simmering when Harry (Danny Glover) arrives to visit his old friends. He exudes an easy charm, knows secret past and present and is soon installed in the heart of the family. However, as his stay lengthens, so does he begin to cast an even more malevolent spell, provoking turmoil, setting son against son, reviving past hatreds, and inflicting a mysterious illness. Glover delivers a career-topping performance as the garrulous family friend, full of hidden menace, effortlessly evoking nostalgia and horror in the same breath. As ever, Burnett provides a wonderful music track featuring gospel, blues and jazz and a cameo from the legendary Jimmy Weatherspoon. 'A slow-burning, soul-insinuating, 12-bar blues of a movie.' Tom Charity, Time Out 'Danny Glover is marvellous, and terrifying, as a charismatic old-timer.' The Times (from the description on the back cover of the DVD) -
4.0 惡魔之子
9.0 風流天子巧遇刁蠻女
6.0 好仔不如好新抱
1964 劇情簡介: 陳員外有二子, 長子鏞生性至孝, 勤奮好學, 但常遭繼母欺淩。次子威, 不務正業, 為生母陳夫人所寵愛。陳夫人因威有意中人,而強迫鏞與張家女兒玉卿結婚。鏞與玉卿皆反對盲婚啞嫁, 苦於父母之命, 惟從之。查實鏞與玉卿曾有一麵之緣, 並互相留下良好印象。新婚夜, 威得見嫂子竟是意中人, 妒火中燒, 欲加害鏞, 幸為義哥所製止。鏞得知新婚妻子是玉卿, 欣喜萬分, 贈玉卿珠鏈作訂情信物, 事為義所見, 義為人義薄雲天, 但嗜賭, 義潛入玉卿房偷取珠鏈作賭本, 離去時留下鞋子。威拾獲鞋子誣告玉卿失貞節, 陳夫人將玉卿趕走。玉卿遭鄉民擲石攻擊, 卿父製止時遭擊斃。玉卿投河自盡, 遭義救回。鏞於玉卿被趕後, 離家赴京應試, 終衣錦榮歸。替玉卿平反。時玉卿己為鏞誕下一子。陳夫人與威自知不是, 向玉卿求恕。玉卿得重入陳家, 一家團圓。 -
5.0 江湖半把刀
1971 劇情簡介: 安濟逃往山中躲避,卻仍是被吳的手下?馬大人(歐威)奪走詔書。玉鳳兩姐妹的建議下,安濟決定去找馬大人要回詔書,雙方人馬卻一言不和,大打出手,所幸遊俠?周向港(柯俊雄)適時出現,使得安濟順利拿回詔書。 但萬萬沒想到,遊俠竟反過來向安濟要詔書,玉鳳見狀謊稱詔書藏在客棧裏。遊俠趕往客棧,在路上看到通緝安濟的告示,改變心意決定將詔書獻給吳國丈。不善武功的安濟,根本不是遊俠的對手,他一路慌張地逃跑到一間破廟,幸得廟中師父(韓江)解救。遊俠和師父以下棋來定勝負,安濟想要趁他們下棋之際溜走,但還是被遊俠連人帶著詔書一塊去見吳國丈。 吳國丈聽聞遊俠武功高超,早已做好萬全準備,但遊俠還是將官兵殺得片甲不留,最後更為民除害殺了吳國丈。安濟告訴師父和玉鳳姐妹,遊俠其實是真正的無敵刀王。而遊俠也領悟到師父所說的‘真是假、假是真、空是有、有是無’,丟下刀劍,獨自離去…… -
2.0 流浪的心